Wow, desperate much.

"Sis we have to go say hi to some people but don't you dare leave until we've cut the cake at midnight. Have fun, just not too much and stay away from boys."He demanded in a playful tone but I knew he was dead serious.

"I wasn't planning to anyway."I replied with an eye roll."Wait you said midnight and its only nine. That's three hours away."I whined.

"Happy birthday to me."Bishop cheered ignoring my complains while Whitney just gave me an apologetic look.

Bishop dragged his girl away leaving me there gaping like a frog feeling played. I thought I only had to be there for an hour at most meaning I had to figure out how to waste three hours in a room full of drunks and intoxicated university students.

I walked towards the bar and found an empty seat at the far end. It was busy so it took a few minutes for me to get served. I'd have used the 'Im the birthday boy's younger sister' card as everyone who ran in Bishops circles knew who I was but there was no need, I had all the time in the world according to Bishops timetable.

"What can I get you beautiful?"The young and cute bartender asked.

"Your number and anything non alcoholic."I replied attempting at flirting.

I did say I was going to get over Andrew and the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

"I'll get you that drink but I love my life so no to the number."He replied pointing a picture tapped to the wall.

It was a portrait of me with the words DANGER at the top in dark red letters and the words KEEP OFF at the bottom of the picture. Bishop could be really extreme at times as proven by the picture. He made sure that no guy would hit on me at the party and that ruined my mood making it worse than it already was. I liked innocent flirting and then kicking a guy to the curb when I'd had my fun. Bishop had taken that away from me and I wanted to walk out of the party and go back home in retaliation but I held myself back. That would only cause me future problems so I restrained myself.

The bartender came back and handed me two unopened cans of sprite. I took them with a smile and got off the stool. I found my way to the balcony where it was quieter and less crowded. An empty arm chair in the corner end called my name so I not so gracefully dropped myself on it. At least the dj was good at his job and was playing some good music so I retrieved by phone from my bag and started scrolling through Instagram as I sipped on my soda.

An hour later my sodas had run out so I went to get a refill but made a detour by the washrooms first. On my way back after relieving myself I ran into Cass, Cliff and Alfred who had been flirting with the girls leaving the bathroom.

"Pierra, looking good girl."Cliff commented with a whistle and I laughed.

"Hi guys, I didn't know that you hang out in the same circles as my brother."I commented remembering how they expressed their fear of him the first time we hang out together in class.

"You don't know?"Alfred asked and the other two elbowed him making me frown.

"Know what?"I asked wondering what they were hiding from me.

"You tell her, you brought it up."Cliff demanded shoving Alfred towards me.

"I'm not going to tell her, you tell her."Alfred denied stepping back.

"One of you better spit it out."I demanded getting tired of their games.

"Your brother hired Andrew to cover the party and extended an invitation to us through him."Cass blurted out and my eyes widened in shock.

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