||12|| A Fight Of Brain And Brawn

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While Technoblade stood in the arena under the scorching heat of the desert sun, he tried to concentrate on figuring out what he'd missed and what was about to come next. Though he had no idea what it was specifically, he could tell from the sudden change in atmosphere from both the excitedly muttering crowd, and y/n's sudden look of fear that it was something either big, dangerous, or both. For some strange reason, Techno had a feeling that she would have an idea as to what was going on, as she seemed to actually be listening to Schlatt's what he thought was pointless ranting but turned out to actually be important talking. He knew he should go and talk to her and figure out what was going on but now was not a good time for that as whatever it was could be released at any second, so he decided the best idea for the time being, would be to wait and see what is was, then do his best to wing it without dying, and if he got the chance to talk to y/n he would do so because she seemed to be working out a strategy.

Techno then heard the creaking of the iron gates once more and he turned his attention it in attempt to figure out what was behind them that made this next round so special. When he looked behind the slowly lifting bars he saw to his dismay at least twelve Evokers. Techno had no idea why or more so how Jschlatt had gotten the Evokers, but he knew that taking on twelve Evokers at once had a very low chance of success, let alone survival even for him. Oh, Techno thought as he eyed the Evokers that were slowly emerging from their cell to attack, This is why the crowd got so excited and why y/n got so scared, not only for me but for everyone else here as Evokers will attack pretty well anyone. Hopefully they'll be too distracted with me for anyone else in this stadium to get hurt by them. Stupid goat.


Before the hybrid had time to fully process what was happening, the Evokers had him surrounded in a large circle, and he was in the middle of it. The Evokers then sent up a flare of magic, and large white spikes protruded from the ground from all directions, all connecting in the middle where Techno was standing.

But the half pig wasn't that slow, and managed to jump and dodge out of the way of enough of them so that he was in a clear area with only a single shallow cut along his right side. Though he managed to avoid the first attack, the Evokers did not cease their attack and didn't hesitate on a second one. This time the attack was more effective as some of them summoned Vex's while others shot more spikes from the ground. Techno barely had time to regain his stance from the previous one before they hit him with the second wave, which was much more effective.

Many of the Vex's attacked him relentlessly around his head, making it difficult for him to see where the spikes were to come up. This proved a very useful tactic as one of the spikes came up from behind, slicing open his left calf and causing it to bleed out, covering his leg in blood. Techno bit his lip in attempt not to let out a cry of agony as his leg became crippled for the time, he was not going to let the wretched goat see any weakness in him at all, and to Techno that meant not letting any pain be shown either.

Techno clenched his jaw as he tried to ignore the burning pain in his calf and the warm liquid dripping off his legs and focus on the fight, but it became apparent to his that that would be a more difficult task to do then he had hoped it would be. Despite the added difficulty though, Techno did not give up and began relentlessly attacking any of the Vex's that were in range of the axe he held. With most of the Vex's now dead, Techno could now focus more on trying to take out the Evokers, which was a difficult enough task to begin, even without a cripple leg.

Preparing himself for the next wave of spikes, he tried to get into stance as best he could with his leg bleeding and in the pain it was in, and predict from the previous attacks where the next ones would come up.

Story Shifted [MCYT/Dream SMP Kingdom AU] -DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now