No way I was writing notes for him when he was the one swimming in happiness. Time for him to dilute some of that pleasure with some real work.

I looked over to where Andrew always sat through the window and his seat was still empty. I frowned because he never missed class, he had always been there. I started to get worried. What if something had happened to him? But I would have already heard about it, news travelled fast around campus so if anything had happened to him, I would have already known. Besides all his friends knew we had been on a date so they would have told me but instead they acted as if they were afraid of me.

"Hey,"Bishop whispered tapping my hand with his pen to get my attention "You okay?"He asked looking worried.

I hadn't told Bishop about the date, not only would he freak out but I'd be putting Andrews life in danger so I kept everything to myself. He'd eventually get to find out when Andrew and I went public but there was still a long way to go before that so I had time to figure out how to make Bishop behave. Maybe there wouldn't be anything to say considering the whereabouts of the man in question were still unknown to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired. Long weekend."I replied exempting the real real for me looking like death.

Bishop nodded in understanding before resuming his note taking and I turned my gaze back to the window outside out of habit. I got disappointed again when the seat was still empty.

I spent the rest of the class listening to music and letting then calm voice of Selena Gomez soothe me. When class ended I immediately grabbed my bag whose color was a dark purple to represent the dark mood I was in. I said goodbye to Bishop and didn't wait for his reply as I stalked towards the three musketeers who looked like they wanted to leave but couldn't as they still had another class.

"Where is he?"I asked foregoing pleasantries and going straight to the point.


"Don't act dumb Cliff, it doesn't suit you so tell me where Andrew is?"I questioned my tone getting more demanding.

"We don't know, haven't seen him all weekend."Cass replied with a shrug and I immediately knew he was lying as he was avoiding eye contact with me.

The two best friends had a bond so Cass would not betray Andrew if he knew his whereabouts. The two other musketeers would never talk either not wanting to loose their friendship.

"So you're all in this together well here is a message for Andrew. Tell him that he can run but he can't hide. I will find him and when I do he will wish he didn't know me. He doesn't get to ghost me. I will have the last word."I declared and before either of them could reply I walked out of class.

I had another class so I didn't have time to go in search of Andrew, my classes came first above all else. My degree is what brought me to campus in the first place not stupid boys who thought it was okay to leave me hanging. I'd pass by Andrew's place after class to see why he was hiding from me. I hope he didn't think I'd forgotten his address because I intended to find him and get some answers. Nobody made a fool out of me and got to walk away scottfree. I was after all my brothers sister and I knew how to hold a grudge.

When I got to Andrew's hostel
building later that evening I was tired and at the end of my rope but I couldn't go home without getting some answers. I trudged up the stairs cursing each and every single step as my body complained of the torture. Arriving at his door I took a minute to compose myself, gather my thoughts and make sure I looked presentable. But how much more presentable could one look after three, two hour classes back to back.

I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. Dead silence. I repeated the knock after a minute and there was till no answer. Maybe he had found out I was coming and was ignoring me. I put my ear in the door to listen in and there was absolutely no activity on the other side of the door. I was about to knock again, more like bang because there was no way I was leaving without talking to him when the door opposite his opened and a cloud of smoke wafted out. Looks like someone was having a party. A head peaked out from the smoke revealing a red eyed, shirtless man who was definitely high as a kite.

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