I had misjudged him, he had gone to such great lengths to put the date together. He'd even confessed feeling nervous which put my mind at ease.

"It's very thoughtful of you but before I agree to actually continue with this date I want to make sure that you really do want to take me out and you're not doing this to prove a point to your friends. Do you want to take me out or did your friends make you?"I asked freeing myself from a question that had been disturbing me ever since I said yes.

I knew the note was written by Cass and not Andrew so I had been wondering if he really wanted to or was he forced.

"I'm here because I want to, not because anyone made me. Cass may have written the note but it was only because I was scared to ask you out. I'm still scared but I really want to do this."He confessed and I found myself smiling at him.

"Okay then let's go and please be careful. If you drop me then you'll really have something to worry about because I will personally tell on you to Bishop."I threatened playfully and he chuckled.

"I wouldn't dream of it."He replied and I smiled.

I had a small backpack that had all my stuff in it so I slung it over my back before situating myself side ways on the bike. I made sure I was not flashing anyone as I adjusted myself appropriately on the small seat.

"Ready to go?"He asked turning his head slightly to look at me.

"No but we better go before I change my mind."I replied and he smiled.

"Hold on tight then."He instructed and I didn't need to be told twice as my hands tightened on the metal bars of the seat.

He used his leg to kick us off and after we gained momentum we were off. I was scared that the small bicycle would crash under both our weights but even I had to admit that it was a sweet ride. Andrew really was as good of a rider as he had claimed to be. I had no idea where we were going but I trusted Andrew. I also made sure to enjoy the ride amidst my freak out session with the wind over my face and the afternoon sun shining over us. People were looking at us weirdly but I didn't mind them, I wasn't going out on a date with them but with the man peddling fast to our destination.

The area he was taking me started getting more unfamiliar and the road got rougher. When it got too uncomfortable for me to keep riding on the back Andrew noticed that and stopped the bicycle.

"We can walk from here it's not much further."He said getting off the bicycle and I jumped off too.

"Where exactly are we going?"I asked after walking next to him for him in silence for a few minutes.

"It was going to be a surprise but I might as well tell you anyway. I didn't have any good ideas on where to take you so Cass asked me a question; Where do you take the most beautiful girl? And I replied to the most beautiful place so that's where I'm taking you."He replied and I felt myself blushing when he mentioned the part about me being the most beautiful girl.

In all the years I had known Andrew he had never shown interest in me then he just shows up out of nowhere and asks me out. I was really happy about it but I couldn't help but wonder if he had some ulterior motive. Had he always liked me, started to like me or was it all games to him? I was really invested in starting something with him so I hoped he felt the same way.

The road thinned out the more we walked and finally there was nowhere further to walk as our way was blocked by a barbed wire fence overgrown with vines.

"Are we lost?"I asked looking around and I noticed that there was no form of life anywhere around us.

"Nope."Andrew replied popped the p as he parked the bike next to the fence making sure to lock it around the wire so it was safe.

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