"It's okay."I assured patting his back awkwardly.

It was far from okay but I knew how to pick my battles and bid my time. After my explosion with Andrew I realized that I was holding a lot in and sooner than later I would explode in front of Bishop. He would definitely deserve it but it was not that day just yet so I had to be patient.

"I promise the next time I invite you for lunch it will just be the both of us."He assured me and I nodded but didn't say a word.

He was just telling me what he thought I needed to hear to forgive him yet he didn't mean a word of it. He would ditch me without thinking twice just to have a quickie with Whitney but I didn't care. Like I said, bidding my time.

"It's okay Bishop, we're good. Now can you please tell me the best gym to go to?"I asked getting to the point that had brought me to him.

"Since when do you work out?"She asked shocked.

"I don't so don't look so surprised, it's for work. So which gym do you know that has a lot of mirrors and natural light?"I expounded.

"And here I thought you were finally taking after your big brother."He teased and I nudged his arm with my shoulder.

"Stop it. Now tell me, I want to take my photos before the sun sets."I insisted.

"Okay fine, Oak Fitness is good, has lots of mirrors and the light you need. I'll take you."He offered and I was quick to say turn him down.

"No need, you know no one will dare mess with me. I'll be okay just tell me where it is."I requested.

"You sure?"


"Okay it's two buildings past the restaurant we had lunch at yesterday on the top floor. Just tell the manager Steve that I sent you and he'll let you use my membership and keep an eye on you."He explained.

"Thanks bro."I thanked him giving him one more shove not like his giant ass moved but I tried.

"Take care sis and if anyone messes with you call me or have Steve call me, I'll be there in less than two minutes."He shouted after my retreating form.

I just gave him a thumbs up without turning around. He definitely didn't like that but I didn't care.

I walked past the restaurant and my eyes drifted up to the window that I assumed was to Andrew's room. It was too high up for me to see anything but the open window and part of me was happy about that. I didn't need running into him, I'd already embarrassed myself enough in front of him. I was thinking about missing class on Tuesday to let things cool down first and let him forget me but that thought hurt my heart. No matter how embarrassed I was, that Tuesday morning class was our thing even if he didn't know about it so there was no way I was missing it.

I found the gym Bishop referred me to and I walked up the stairs to the top floor running into some sweaty people who were leaving. One thing I loved about the university was that everything was always open no matter the day of the week, that's why the gym was fully operational on a Sunday afternoon.

I walked inside and smiled to myself when I saw that it was in better shape than I had imagined. It was a basic gym with treadmills, mats piled on one corner, dumbbells, weights in another and a lot more machinery that a gym virgin like me had no idea what they were for. I strutted to the front desk and Steve as his name tag showed welcomed me with a smile. He had the bodybuilder physique with bulging muscles and a balding head. He would have been intimidating were it not for his warm smile.

"Good afternoon welcome to Oak Fitness. How may I help you?"He asked kindly and at that moment I wished I was a gym person.

He seemed really easy going and we'd be great friends, too bad the only exercise I got were my walks to and from class.

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