Plan is on

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The next day all crew met each other in basement of arcade: Paw Patrol and Legendary Eight greeted their crew, which would help with equipment for heist. Two of them agreed to help with weapon and cars for affair and stealth approach as Patrick McReary didn't hesitate to help with strong weapons. Carim Denz also agreed with getting cars for aggressive approach and Paige Harris agreed to help in all three approaches. Then she asked one surpsising question.

Paige: Listen, you have 17 members in your big crew. The heist needs from 2 to 4 members. Did you decide who will go on which approach?

This question made the gang confused, they really didn't decide about that. Still, it was a 2 minute job, so Vlad requested Paige to give time for that.

Vlad: Alright guys and pups. Who will go on aggresive approach? Think fast.

Andrew: I will!

Logan: Me too!

Marshall: Same!

Everest: Count me too!

Vlad: So Logan, Marshall, Everest and Andrew. Good! Now affair approach. Just to mention, I'll go on it!

Rubble: I want to take some gold too.

Ryan: Yeah! I'll go too!

Rocky: Count me in list!

Vlad: So me, Rubble, Ryan and Rocky. Interesting quartet, no questions. Finally, stealth! Chase and Skye are already in, so two more members!

Valeria: I can go!

Vlad: Niiice, one more! Come on!

Leo: Fine, I'll go. In each team, we have two humans and two pups. So...

Vlad: No questions! So Valeri, Skase or Chase and Skye, and Leo for silent heist. Now, as we closed this question we need to decide which equipment we need to get. Let's start from weapons.

Chase: I think for affair and stealth approach we need to take not so powerful guns like Micro-SMG or something.

Carl: I can organize that. Go outside, I'll send you the coordinates of weapon shipment.

Vlad: Ok. Me and Rocky will go for weapons for my team.

Valeria: Then Chase and me will go for weapons for my team.

Patrick: Aggresive team, give me a moment, quite hard to find weapon you want.

Vlad: What did you request?

Marshall: Classic carbine rifle.

Vlad: Oh, makes sense! Alright let's go!

Vlad, Rocky, Chase and Valeria exited the arcade from garage entrance and drove in separate ways. Moments later Carl called them to inform about weapons location.

Carl: Stealth duo, your shipment is on arms deal on Palomino highlands, affair duo, your task is quite harder. I tracked 4 NOOSE vans, one of them is containing your weapons. Good luck. Coordinates are on yours GPS!

Valeria and Chase drove to NOOSE hq to quite abandoned beach, where they found four squa bikes. They got on them and drover to deal place. As Chase saw men on surface, boats and plane, he told Valeria to stop.

Chase: Looks like we found it.

Valeria: Yeah, nice job. Well, did you ever use weapon?

Chase: Yeah. When Ryder was improving my pup suit which had a gun in it.

Valeria: TIme to remind your skills. Here, a assault rifle. You know what to do.

Chase: I will kill guys on boat. You'll kill guys on land.

Valeria: Sounds good!

Then they started shooting at dealers who spotted them and started shooting back. Chase destroyed 3 boats by killing 6 people, while Valeria killed 8 people on land. Then police pup helped a girl to finish her job. 2 minutes later, all dealers were dead and the duo drove to plane.

Valeria: Ahhh, it's Tula. A plane, which you can land on water and it has vertical take-off.

Chase: I want to make Skye a little jealous so I'll drive it.

Valeria: Hahahaha, go on then!

3 minutes later Chase and Valeria took off from water and then Chase turned wings in horizontal position so they could fly normally.

Carl: Alright, I see you got the plane. Now fly to Sandy Shores Airport. I'll pick weapons here.

Meanwhile Vlad and Rocky were having some trouble. They exploded doors from 2 NOOSE vans already and police was chasing them. They were driving in Senora desert to little town named Sandy Shores. Suddenly, Rocky saw NOOSE van and told Vlad to driver closer. 1 minute later they got behind van and Rocky threw sticky bomb to vans' door. Then he exploded it and finally the duo found van with weapons.

Vlad: YES! Rocky, you'll drive that thing. I'll cover you!

Rocky: Got it!

Rocky exited the car and ran to NOOSE van, from which two men got off. He killed one of them as Vlad finished with second. Then Rocky drove the van as Vlad stayed behind him.

Carl: Good! Bring the van to the arcade. Without police behind you of course!

Meanwhile Chase and Valeria finally arrived to airport and Chase saw NOOSE van with armored SUV behind it.

Chase: Looks like our affair duo found van with their weapons.

Valeria: Exactly. Now land the plane carefully!

2 minutes later Chase landed the plane and they got off from it. Moments later, violet Comet SR has arrived and the duo drove to the arcade. 10 minutes later Vlad and Rocky lost the heat and also drove to arcade. Just when stealth duo arrived to the arcade, affair arcade arrived too. Then they entered arcade basement, where Carl greeted them.

Carl: Good job! I'll go and pick up weapon from plane.

Vlad: Nice, now it's time to get some wheels!!

Chapter done!! Hope you will like it!! See you soon and stay safe ))))))

A heist for love | Chase x SkyeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant