Scouting the casino

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Andrew, Maria, Rocky and Everest were driving to the casino to find important details which can help them in robbing casino. Vlad and Valeria were instructing them and Chase and Skye were checking the laptop but not knowing why they need to do it. Logan who was staying with them told that they need to send photos of things which can help in heist and these photos will be received on laptop. Meanwhile scotuing quartet arrived to the casino and Everest took photo of main entrance which seconds later received on laptop.

Chase: We have a photo of main entrance.

Vlad: Good, but casino has many entrances, we need all of them.

Maria: Not to mention, we need to check inside of casino.

Skye: They can send a photo of security, cameras and panels. Doors in casino can't be opened so easily.

Chase: You heard Skye, do it!

Andrew: Roger, officer Chase! (laughs)

Vlad: Bro, just keep it quiet OK?

Andrew: Alright, sorry. So, I think the main part of our mission will be to find all entrances. Rocky will find them around the building. I'll find CCTV, panel and security. Maria will visit Agatha, maybe we can find something useful and Everest will take terrace and roof. Got it?

Rocky: Loud and clear.

Everest: Got it.

Maria: Let's go Andy.

Chase: Andy??? (laughs)

Maria: That's nickname of my boyfriend so what?!

Chase: Nothing, just heard it for first time. You've never done that.

Maria: Oh alright. Anyway let's go!

The quartet went on their own ways. Rocky went to the left side of building as Everest, Maria and Andrew entered the casino. 

Andrew: Ok, Everest, the elevator which brought you to your penthouse will also deliver you to terrace.

Everest: Alright!

Everest ran to elevator as Maria went to Agathas' room. Andrew took phone and sent a photograph of videocamera in casino. As elevator with Everest inside closed, Andrew took photo of secuirty. Then he went to cash shop, where players could change chips into real money and in reverse and found the door with panel. He took photo of it.

Andrew: I found a panel, is that a one which we are looking for?

Chase: Yes it is.

Andrew: Well, my part is over.

Valeria: Nope, we still need to find where we can enter the casino as encashmaetors.

Andrew: Ok.

Andrew exited the casino and went to find the tunnel where encashmetors could enter the casino.

Rocky: One question, why encashmetors?

Vlad: They have the closest distance to the vault and not to mention the easiest access. If we want that heist will go smooth we need to choose not only good but also not so hard approach.

At this point Rocky took photo of black door and CCTV near it, then he turned right and found white door with panel and another CCTV of it. Both photos of doors momentally arrived on laptop.

Chase: Looks like the black door is door for waste disposal. I can see little part of trash can in photo.

Skye: And white door is side door for personnel. 

Vlad: Also you took photo of cameras outside of casino, well done Rocky.

Meanwhile Everest arrived on terrace and found two doors: one near pool and one beneath terrace with guard near it. When she started going around the pool she got nervous.

Everest: Are you sure that I can go around? It's like place for personnel.

Valeria: Don't worry about it. Just keep going.

Everest went around and found two more doors with panel, guard and CCTV. Then she went further along terrace and climbed on the roof by ladder.

Everest: I see a helipad, but I can't find the door.

Vlad: They should be under helipad. Check carefully.

Everest went dowstairs from helipad and found a door which she photographed, then she went on the other side of helipad and found another door. At same time Maria found something interesting on table in Agathas' cabinet.

Chase: Soo, we have roof access... Wait, what's this?

Skye: It's look like... blueprints.

Chase: Blueprints of the vault!! Nice!

Everest: Ok, I'm exiting the casino. I've done my job.

Rocky: Me too!

Maria: Same.

Vlad: Ok guys. Andrew, what's going on with encashmetor entrance.

Andrew: I still can't find it. I have no idea where's it!

Just when he said it an encashmetors car drove past him, making him realize where's the tunnel for encashmetors. He ran under the bridge and found big gate. He took photo of it.

Andrew: Problem solved! Exiting the casino.

Vlad: Ok, come back to the arcade. We will print your photos and move on further with plan!

Chapter done! Hope you will like. Today dedication goes to unexpected person.... CCKILLER00. His stories are great with amazing plots. See you soon and stay safe ))))

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