"Fine let's go and I know you're only this prissy because you're hungry."Bishop commented slinging his hand over my shoulders leading me to the restaurant he had chosen.

He was right, I was hungry but I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right. I would never live it down if I did.

I'd never eaten at the restaurant Bishop chose because I thought it was just a building. I was surprised to see that the most of the ground floor was a restaurant. We found a table and sat down.

"What do you want to eat?"Bishop asked and I turned my attention to the menu posted on the wall.

I thought about it for a minute and decided to have white rice, wet fried beef and green vegetables. Bishop made his choice too before getting up to order coming back with my favorite sprite soda as we waited for our food to arrive. I was seated facing the door and my face immediately turned sour when I saw who walked through.

"Did you have to invite her?"I groaned.

I was referring to Whitney who was strutting towards us in a short black dress that looked like it was one rip away from indecent public exposure. Her heels made her look so much taller than she was but they were so sharp they were more death traps than shoes.

"Who?"Bishop asked turning around and he smiled when he saw his walking STD of a girlfriend.

"No but she is a welcome surprise."He replied getting up to hug her.

I rolled my eyes watching the two. Don't get me wrong Whitney was a beautiful girl who knew how to apply flawless make up and was good in class. She just had the fashion sense of a hooker and the behaviors of one.

"Hi Pierra, so nice to see you again."She greeted with a smile as her white teeth stood out against he dark red lipstick.

"Whitney hello."I replied being as curt as possible making her frown but it was short lived when she turned her attention back to my brother.

It was no secret that I didn't like Whitney even though she tried her best to be on my good side.

"I know you guys have already ordered so let me go do the same and I'll be right back."She said and I didn't bother acknowledging her.

"I'll go order for you."Bishop insisted.

"No babe, you sit. I'll be back."She replied patting his chest and walking towards the counter.

Bishop sat back down glaring at me "You could try and be nicer to her. She's my girlfriend."

"No she isn't, she's your fuck buddy. Neither of you is exclusive to the other, you're just each others favorites."I pointed out and he glared at me.

"My sex life is none of your business."He expressed defensively.

"Then why is mine your business."I retorted.

"Because you're my baby sister and its my job to protect you."He replied his voice calming down a few notches.

I scoffed "Yeah right. You know what, I don't even care. I'm only here with you for one more year then we can move onto our separate lives. Now can that food already get here so I can eat and leave you two walking STD's to continue doing what you do best which is gross me and everyone else out."I answered angrily.

"Pierra I will not have you talking to me like that. You are my younger sister and I demand respect from you."He ordered.

"Respect is earned and you do nothing but loose mine with your choices in life, from the business you conduct to your taste in women or lack there of."I replied.

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