48 | Take A Break

Start from the beginning

His brown tousled hair was always in a huge mess, but in the sexiest way possible. His eyes...God those fucking eyes drowned me into a land of peace every time I looked at him. The way the sun captured his dark orbs, turning them to a lighter brown, almost hazel.

his beautiful tattoos always seem to mesmerize me. His plump lips, those soft pinkish lips always made me hungry for a kiss from him, like a wild animal unable to keep itself tamed in the wild.

"His...uhhh..." I try to stay awake. my eyelids getting heavier with every thought of him, "R-rome..."


"And I'm not listening. You need to eat something." I move my head to the side like a little kid, "That looks like vomit, I'm not putting that shit in my mouth." I turned my head to the side and crossed my arms over my chest, "Stop being so childish, it just butternut soup!" JJ shoved the spoon in my mouth.

"Swallow." I starred him down, as I kept the soup in my mouth. This isn't bad, it tastes nice actually. I swallowed it, "Good." He had a gleaming smile on his face, "Do you want some water?" He held the bottle up, "No, but I do want another spoon full of that soap." He chuckled.

"I told you it was good." I wiped my mouth with the napkin. "I'm glad you slept. Hunter said you're improving very quickly and you have a chance to help us."

"Yes-" I was about to get excited when JJ stands up, "But that doesn't mean you must stop okay? Sleep regularly, eat well, drink enough water and..." He places the empty bowl onto the nightstand next to me and picks up the bottle of water, "You need to talk to Valentino at some point."

Opening the water, he hands me the bottle, "Don't you think I've tried? After I woke up, I asked Hunter if I could talk to him but he made up some lame excuse, saying Val wasn't here or he was sleeping." I take a sip of the water.

"Wait I have a perfect idea." He pulls the pillow that supports my back, "What the fuck?!" I spill the water and glared at him, "Shit, sorry. Can you sit up?" He lightly chuckles, "Thanks, for the fucking warning." I growl.

I sit up, he lays the pillow flat down, "No lay down and pretend to be asleep." He takes the water from my hand, "Why?" I lay down, he tucks me in, "I'm going to send Valentino in here to get something and when you hear him just wake up and then voilà, talk to him."

I slap my hand against my forehead. "Yeah, like that's going to work," I roll my eyes, "Just do it." I get comfortable and close my eyes, "I'll be back." I mumble a goodbye and wait until I hear him come back.

"I love you!"

My eyes fly open, I can't do this. I can't face him. Valentino said he loved me, it'll crush him when I say I don't love him, in that sense. You're thinking too much into this, maybe he just loves you as a friend.

Maybe. Or he does love me more than a friend and I crush his heart and he will never want to be- "Hey Val! I need you to get me the medication for Hazel in the dome!" I heard JJ shout outside of the plastic.

I heard some mumbling, unable to make out what Valentino's response was until I heard the zipper being unzipped. I shut my eyes tight, pretending to sleep.

"Ugh, what does this bottle even look like?" I listened to Valentino mumble as he quietly looked for the medication that wasn't even real. "Val." I whispered, "Oh, sorry I woke you. I was looking for some medication JJ asked for." I sat up and immediately Valentino helped me by propping up the pillows for me to lean against.

"Uhm...there is no medication." I scratched behind my head, "That bastard lied-" I chuckled, cutting his sentence short, "No, no JJ didn't do anything...I asked him to do it so we could talk." He sat down in the chair that JJ was using to help me eat, "Why didn't you just call me yourself?" He leaned back against the headrest.

I crossed my arms over my chest, raising my brows, "Really?" He lowered his head and chuckled, "I guess I wouldn't have come." I gave him a

you-know-it look. "Listen..." He let out a long sigh, "I'm sorry I yelled at you I was just scar-"

"Do you love me?" He looked up at me in disbelief, "Of crouse I love-"

"I mean..." I fidgeted with the medical band around my wrist, "Oh, God! No of course not Hazel!" I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding, "Oh thank god Val. When you said you loved me I got so scared."

His head flew backwards from laughter, "No. I just wanted to show you, that when you said you love Roman is the same as us loving you." Now I just felt guilty for accusing him of not knowing how to love, "I'm sorry I said you don't know anything about love."

He placed his hand over mine, "Don't dwell on it. We were both angry, we were just lashing out at each other." He leaned back into the chair, "So, I heard Hunter say that you may be able to get back on your feet by tomorrow."

"And we already have a plan. All we gotta figure out is if you're on board?"

"Are you kidding me, of course, I am!"

"Good. Because we are going to need a big army for this and I don't think we have enough guys so..." I dismissively wave my hand at him, "Don't worry about it. I'll give my guys a call. I'll ask them to meet us here tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Then we can just discuss the final plan tomorrow when everyone is here. When will you like to do this?" He sat up, "Tomorrow, I can't hold on anymore. We need to get him out of there." Valentino nodded his head in agreement.

"And what are you two talking about without us!" I hear Peter's voice entering the dome, "Hello Peter." He comes over to me, "How are you feeling Haze." He stumbles back a bit, "Are you drunk?" I hear JJ and Valentino laugh behind me, "Maayybee..." Peter slurred his words.

"Doc said you're close to a full recovery!" Peter threw his hands up in the air out of excitement, "Mhm. And tomorrow you better be up early because we are going to get Roman out." Peter seemed to be on high alert now and very sober.

"What?! Tomorrow but Hazel-" I held my hand up, nothing was going to change my mind, I was in good condition to go save my fiancé. "I am


"No, you are not." I see Hunter walk inside, "What?" He pushes past Peter, checking the bunch of machines next to me, "You don't have the energy to go after him that's for sure." He removed his glasses, "But you said-"

"I never said anything. You were listening to them, not me." He crossed his arms over his chest, "If by some miracle you can be all healed by tomorrow, I will have no problem in helping you to get Roman back, hell I'll even let you go with the guys but if you want to stay alive for him to see you..."

He placed his hand on my shoulder, "You need to stay here and rest." He said, "What if she worked from here." JJ stood next to Hunter, "What if she told us what to do, helped us in there but with her still being here." I looked to JJ then Hunter with pleading eyes.

"That...isn't a bad idea, I can still monitor her heart and body but she will be able to help you guys." He tapped his chin as he started to think about his idea, "Come on Hunter, please, I need to do this." I clasped both my hands together, begging him.

"Fine." He groaned, "But that's all I'm allowing you to do, if Roman has to find out I put you in danger I'm a goner." We all laughed.

"I'm going to need to borrow your phone though." Hunter raised his eyebrow but gave it to me anyway, "Hey Hayden." I smiled at his voice.

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