47 | I Need To Live

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I slowly peel one eye open. I see a tall figure standing next to me with what I think is a clipboard in their hand. I try to sit up but I'm so weak I can't even lift myself.

"Woah, Woah. You need to stay down." They place a hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me back down to the bed, "W-where am I?" I look down at my hand to see a needle stuck into my palm and a trail of blood flowing through the tube.

"Don't worry Hazel, your safe. I just-" I cut off whoever was talking and quickly sitting up straight, giving me wipe lash.

"Where is my husband? Oh my god! My fiancé! He-he is still out there! I need to go safe him!" I remove the nasal cannula from my nose, peeling off the tape that was attached to my palm I feel that same person place a hand on my mind, "Hazel..." I look up to them to see my vision clearing up.

"Val! We need to go, now!" He sits on the edge of the bed, putting back the nasal cannula against my nose and applying back down the tape, "Breathe Hazel. You need to stay in bed okay?" I look at him.

"Where is Roman?" He was starting to scare me. Where is my fiancé? I need to see him right now, "Do you remember anything before you passed out?" I laid back down onto the bed, trying to ease the dizziness.

"Very little. Can you tell me where Roman is?" I see Hunter appear to my side, "How is the patient?" He holds the clipboard in his hands, examining my face he writes a few things down, "Valentino, she isn't looking good." I look to them both who share the same concern look like me.

"Please..." I beg them both, on the verge of tears, "I need to know where Rome is?" I sob, "All I'm going to tell you is he is okay. He is safe but we need to get going if we want to make it on time." Valentino looks down at his watch.

"I-I wanna help." I try lifting myself again but they both gently push me down, "I'm sorry Hazel, but we can't put you through this kind of danger if you aren't well." Said Valentino, "Your breathing has been heavily affected by the medication you were given by Kai." Hunter looks to one of the beeping machines next to me.

"When will it go back to normal?" Hunter rubs the back of his neck and looks to Valentino, me and then back at Val, "That's the thing Haze..." He trails away, standing on the opposite side of me, "It might not."

"W-what?" I stare at him in disbelief, "The medication you were on had deeply affected your health. I managed to get any harsh substances out of your body as quickly as I could, very little was left but still has a 50/50 chance of not ending well with your body."

This couldn't be happening. I need to live, there is too much I need to save, people I love are in danger and without me there what will happen?

"However..." I look up to him, curious as to know what other options I have, "There is a treatment I can do for you. It's very harsh and I've never proceeded something like this be-"

"Do it." I cut him off, "What? No." Valentino cuts in, "Hazel if you do this you can have a higher risk of dying. Who knows what else could get worse!" He throws his hands up in the air, "This isn't your choice okay? My husband is still in that hell hole! And if I'm not there to save him who will!?"

Valentino just holds his eye contact with me. Both of us breathing heavily, anger rages through us, "Fine. Do it." He waves his hand in the air and walks away, "Uh...I'll go get my things." Hunter walks away too.

I lay my head down on the pillow, looking up at the giant plastic dome that covers us all. How could I let this happen? He depends on me to save him, how can I do that if I'm not even healthy enough to help him.

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