6 | Three Hours With You

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We watched as the water carried away the ashes, getting further and further away from me. Mariah and I sat down on the sand watching the sun start to set, "How are you feeling?" She said, "Honestly, fine. I feel more relieved than sad, to be honest, I thought I was going to break down or something" I looked up to her.

"I'm glad, you have no idea how proud I am you did this Hazel, you let go, you let go of the pain that was holding you back for all these years, you may have had them both physically but now..." She kissed my cheek, "You have them both in here-" She pointed to my heart-"Forever."

We stayed at the beach until the sun went down and drove back home. We arrived home I offered Mariah to stay but she had booked into a hotel and was leaving the next day because she had work

"Thank you again, Mariah, this was amazing please come and visit again" I hugged her tight before releasing, "Of course, take care of yourself, baby girl. Keep me up to date okay?" She held one side of my face. "I will" she exchanged goodbyes and she disappeared down the hall.

I closed the door behind me, sliding down to the floor. I buried my face in my arms sitting there until I hear my phone buzz in my hoodie pocket.

I check the caller ID to see an unrecognized number, "Hello?" I answer it, "Hello? Is this Hazel Johson?" I groaned in frustration, "For fuck sake!" I shouted, "Hello to you too" He chuckled, "You don't give up do you?" I rubbed my forehead, "Nah, not really" I could hear the humour in his voice.

"Roman it is really not a good time right now" I got up from the floor, "Just hear me out okay?" He said, "You have-" I looked at my phone-"Five minutes" I put the phone back to my ear. "I'm really sorry for not calling you"

"Okay, is that it?" I didn't mean to sound as harsh as I said it, "No actually, I was wondering if I could come by tomorrow?" Him, coming by tomorrow? Us alone tomorrow? In my office alone? "Sorry, another time"

"Come on Haze," I sighed, I can't believe I'm actually considering this, "Ugh! Fine, make an appointment with my assistant" I placed the phone on my vanity and put it on speaker, "But you blocked my number" His voice echoed through the room, "Find another way, goodbye Roman Smith" I cut the call before anything more was said.

I sighed in relief and started to get undressed to hop in the shower. I took out a grey knitted bralette and a matching pair of shorts, leaving them on my bed with a new pair of underwear.

I tied my hair in a bun, putting on a shower cap and jumping into the shower. Once I was done, I got out, changed and immediately got into bed. I unplugged my phone from the nightstand it was charging on next to me.

I went to Instagram to see a few notifications, I was scrolling through my notifications when I see one were it said I got a new follower I clicked on the profile to see Roman's profile!

I shot up from the bed. I then see a few more of him liking all my posts, I feel a small smile tug at my lips from seeing him like my post or a cute comment he left. I liked a few of them and then switched the wifi off and left my phone to continue charging, closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.


"Your Father and Matthew, I'm so sorry baby-" The phone dropped to my side, I shake my head. There's a lump in my throat and pain in my chest.

No, this can't be true, this had to be a mistake. "Haze? Babe? what happened?" He turned to me, cupping the side of my face, his warmth against me felt so good. A tear trickled down my face, my breathing becoming faster.

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