24 | Talking To The Moon

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This song made this chapter way to sad to write:(


I open both my eyes, looking around the room. Darkness is everywhere, looking to my left I see Roman holding me from behind, his arm is draped over my stomach, holding me close to him, our legs entangled together.

I remove the blanket from me, feeling a strong gust of cold air hit my naked body, untangling my legs from Roman I climb out of bed. I see Roman's shirt on the floor, picking it up I pull it over my head.

I walk out to the balcony, seeing the moon still shimmering in the sky, stars scattered across the sky. Breathing in and out, a cloud of cold air exits out fo my lungs.

I lower my head onto the balustrade, I wanted to talk to him. See him again, hear his voice, telling me everything will be okay. I lift my head up, looking towards the moon.

"I need you Dad," My lower lip quivers, "I-I need help. Roman has been nothing but super supportive of me but...but I'm so afraid to drag him down with me. I don't want to do that to him."

"I don't know if I should leave, let him live his life without this constant weight, dragging him lower and lower" I held in my tears, I didn't want Roman to hear me.

Sniffling I continue to speak, "I...I need you dad" I whisper ever so softly. Talking to the moon, felt as if I was talking to him, looking at him, seeing the ball of light in the sky gave me hope that he was listening.

"I love Roman dad, I love him with all my fucking heart." I wipe away my tears, "I don't want to leave, I promised him, I promised myself god damn it. I promised I wasn't going to run away again, I was going to stay."

"It's so hard to open up to him, I know he won't judge me or anything, he isn't like that, I just...can't form the words. I can't say how I feel, how hurt I still am for what I did to him, how I lost you both."

"I'm...I'm sorry Dad." I close my eyes, allowing the tears to fall, allowing the cold to freeze my body. So deep in thought, I feel someone come behind me.


He wraps me in a blanket, holding me tight from behind. "Roman..." I didn't know what to say, I wasn't sure how much or how little he heard. "I was listening Princess," He leaned his chin on the top of my head. "Everything?"

He turned me around, making me face those onyx eyes of his, "I love you, Princess," He caressed the side of my cheek. I leaned into his warm touch. "Don't go baby...please" I heard his voice crack.

"I...I can't handle the thought of you gone again, not seeing you every day, not holding you in my arms every day, I-I"

"Rome, relax baby, relax." I held him close to me, not letting him go. "I promise you, I am not leaving you, trust me on that. No matter what is going on with me, that'll never be an option, not again."

I hear sobs escape from him, "I know your trying Princess, but..what if I'm the one holding you back? I know I'm being selfish with wanting to keep you-"

"That is just fine. Without your selfish ways, I wouldn't be here right now, without you holding me to the ground I wouldn't have admitted how much you mean to me, how much I love you."

"I feel awful, I feel I'm holding you down, making you worry about me." He strokes my hair, "Never. You lift me up Princess, you are the light to my darkness. You help me see the best in myself."

He wipes away the single tear that falls.

"Why don't you put on some warmer clothes, I wanna take you somewhere" He took my hand in his, taking me back inside. I walk over to his closet, pulling out an over-sized black hoodie and taking one of the shorts out of my duffel bag.

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