2 | Princess

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Ryan and I jumped out of the Uber, "Ay! Thanks, man," Ryan paid the guy and he drove off. I linked my arm around Ryan's bicep as we made our way inside, "You excited Haze!" Ryan kissed my temple, "Fuck! Yes!" I screamed in midair.

As we were making our way closer to the club, I could see a very familiar figure, broad shoulders, sharp jawline, clean-cut stubble, and bright blue eyes.


"Hey! Daniel! I didn't know you were working tonight?!" I shouted over the loud music. Daniel was one of the security guards that worked at Danny's and a close friend of mine,

"Hazel! How are you!" He engulfed me into a tight hug, "I haven't seen you in so long, how are you doing?" He shifted his gaze to one of the guys allowing them to enter the club, "Y'know I'm doing better," He brushed his jet black hair out of his face, making me meet his icy blue eyes.

"Give me a minute I'll call Danny to let him know you that you're here" Daniel pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialled Danny's number, and held the phone close to his ear.

"Haze how do you know him?" Ryan whispered into my ear, "We go a while back..." I trailed.

"C'mon I'll take you both to your seats" Unhooking the velvet rope that connected two polls. Ryan and I walked in first with Daniel trailing behind us.

Blended blue and purple lights lit the room, red and green laser lights splotched themselves as well.

We made our way up the narrow staircase when a huge sign read, VIP, I tapped Daniel on the shoulder, "Dan, we can just go down there," I pointed down the staircase at the black velvet booths, "Don't worry about it" He gave me a boyish grin.

Ryan turned to face me, "OMG!" He mouthed, I rolled my eyes at him. Daniel came close to my ear, "This is Jake he will let you in and out of here," Daniel pated Jake on the shoulder, he opened the gate for us and we made our way inside.

Watching row after row with couples making out, drinking, or laughing. "Here you go" Daniel stopped infront of a booth that was bigger than my walk-in closet, "Danny made sure you had the best seat here" He winked.

I cupped the side of his cheek, giving it a soft pat, "Thank's Daniel" Ryan slid into the booth and then me, "I'll go get Marco" Said Daniel and left. I picked up the menu from the table, feeling my stomach growl.

"He was totally eye-fucking you" I hear Ryan's voice, "What?! No! Daniel and I ended things a long time ago" I assured him, "How come I never heard about this kid?" He placed the menu down, intertwining his finger together, "Cause" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Cause what?" He pushed my menu down, "Cause it was a long time ago and I don't like to talk about it..." I trailed off, getting annoyed with him, "I'm sorry Ry," I sighed, "No, Haze I shouldn't have pushed you," He waved his hand in dismiss.

"But that's exactly what I've been doing to you these past two weeks...pushing you away" I sighed, "During my earlier years of University, some girls and I use to come here, they all knew Daniel pretty well, and when we were coming here almost every weekend him and I sort of got kinda close, when one night I was super drunk, he offered to take me home and we kinda...fucked." Ryan's mouth was gaped open.

"After that day, we had a small fling but broke it off when things started to get a bit too serious. I felt really bad for leading him on, so I told him everything about what happened in high school and he was super understanding about it and ended up becoming really close friends instead. Except I think he might still have feelings for me?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "You think?" I chuckled at Ryan's expression.

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