32 | Touch Yourself

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I suffered. Dad suffered. Matthew suffered. I'll never forget the cruel pain my father went through during her death. He never expressed his pain to Matty nor me but, I knew Dad well enough to know.

He may have hidden the pain well enough for us not to notice whne we we're younger but looking back he was...hurt, badly. I blame myself for it, not being by his side when he was there for me during it all.

That was going to change in just a few hours. After I got back from packing up my place yesterday and permanently living with Roman, I needed the last few hours I had of the day alongside the next day to clear my head, stay away from everyone to prepare myself for this dreadful moment.

I'm glad to have such a patient boyfriend. Roman wasn't too keen on the idea of us being apart, neither was I for that matter, but in order to equip myself, space was key at this moment.

It was the next morning, I was staying over at one of my hotels, trying to distance myself from everyone.

I sat outside on the balcony, sipping a warm cup of coffee, looking out at Toronto, I breathed in the cold breeze, feeling the chill freeze my body. The past couple of hours gave me some time to reflect on myself, what I was planning on doing today.

I had called Roman's father in advance to talk to Alice. He had declined the few times I asked, but with Roman's persistent ways, we managed to get him to agree for me to have a talk with her.

I wasn't going to try and stress myself out, I didn't need the extra leverage for myself to reach a heart attack.

There was something I did have in mind to help me.

I walk back inside, opening my laptop I pulled up the video call. I know I told Roman I needed this time apart but shit. This was going to be harder than I thought. I wonder how I did it for so many years, I said to myself.

I called Roman, hearing it ring just the one time until he answered. I looked at my beautiful man, his brown hair was slightly damp, causing water droplets to fall over his face and down his chest.

His gorgeous chest was bare to my eyes, his smooth tan skin glowed in the warm morning light, wanting to lick that deliciousness, his adorable smile peeked his dimple on his left cheek, making my grin widen.

His camera was facing quite low down, giving me the opportunity to get a view of his lower torso, making a v-line shape all the way down...until it stopped by the white towel that was wrapped around his waist.

I moistened my bottom lip, my mind swirling with all the things I wish I could do to him right now. Twine my fingers in his silky hair, feeling his lushes lips against mine, his rock hard- "Hi Princess." His deep husky voice pulled me out of the day dreaming I was having on him.

"H-hi Rome." I lean my hands on the table, crossing them over, "How are you, baby?" He bushed his hair out of his face, making me meet those direful orbs of his. "I'm good. I'm sorry for not staying, I really-"

"I already told you, Princess, it was absolutely fine." He shined his signature grin at me again, making me blush. "Okay." I took a big gulp, feeling really nervous to talk to him.

"I wish you were here," I look down to my hands, playing with the sleeves of my beige cardigan, "I wish you were here too Princess. Don't worry okay? Once you do this, you'll feel a whole lot better," Then it hits me.

There was a reason for this call...

"You know what will make me feel a lot better though" He cocks his brow, a playful smirk lingers on his lips, "And what is that baby?" Clearly, he knew me too well because I could already see him undo his towel.

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