28 | My Missing Piece

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"How about another round?" Hazel lifts her head up from my chest, "I'm up for a shit ton more baby" I kiss her shoulder, "But aren't you sore?" She gets off me, shocked out of her mind.

"Me?! Sore! Ha! Roman Smith, you underestimate me" I lean on my elbows, watching her ass sway side to side while she made her way to the bathroom.

"Damn," I mutter. I flop my head back onto the bed, I look up to the ceiling, thinking to myself how god damn lucky I am. "You sure shit is lucky!" She shouts from the bathroom.

I must've thought that out loud.

I watch her walk back in, wincing with every step she took. "You okay Princess?" She gets back under the covers, cuddling close to me, "Oh yeah, perfect Rome" Her head sits on my chest while her hand goes around my stomach.

I kiss the top of her head, "You want any help with the packing?" I motioned around to the room, "Yes please, there is so much crap all over the place I'm getting sick and tired of it" I laugh.

We both get out of bed, I pull my shorts up and Hazel takes my shirt. She puts a new pair of underwear on and we started to pack the stuff up in her room into boxes.

She was in the bathroom while I was doing her closet. I neatly placed the folded clothes in a box, folding her underwear and bras and putting them in another box but a smaller one.

I was removing the few dresses she had that were hung up when I came across a blue football jersey. It wasn't hard to forget whose was it, I turned it around to see my last name in red writing on the back and my lucky number, 3.

She kept it. After all these years, she still had it with her. I hold the jersey in my hand when I walk into the bathroom. Her back is facing me, packing away the stuff from inside the shower, "Princess," She turns around, looks at me and then what's in my hand.

She quickly runs up to me, snatching the jersey from my hand, "Why were you going through my stuff!" She holds it close to her chest, I snicker, "It was just hanging up." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You kept it." She looked into my eyes, seeing those fucking gorgeous hazel eyes glimmer, "Of course I did." I pull her by the hand, plastering her body against mine, "Slept with it every night" That makes my insides melt away.

She slept with it every night. Hazel Johnson is going to be the death of me, "I-I can't believe you." I rub the back of my neck, "Rome!" She whines, "Please, can we just forget about it, it's already embarrass-"

"Embarrassing!? This is the cutest shit ever! The love of my life kept the jersey I gave her six years ago!" I lift her up, spinning her around. She squeals in delight, "Okay, okay! Put me down," I place her back on the ground.

Still in my arms, not wanting to let her go. "Come on Rome, if we don't keep a little distance between us we'll end up back in the bedroom" She pulls away from me, going back into the bathroom.

I groan in frustration, I slap her ass while she walks away, "This isn't over!" I call after her, listening to her sweet giggles.


After two hours of clearing Hazel's stuff we managed to get most of it done, "Let's order some pizza." Hazel dusted her hands on her legs. She took her phone off charge on her nightstand, pulling up the number for pizza hut.

She ordered our food, putting the phone off she took my hand in her's, "Thank you again for the help" I kiss her temple, "No problem Princess."

"So, the baby shower is in two days..." I make small circles on her inner palm, "Yeah, have you decided what you're going to do?" She crawled over to me, sitting on my lap.

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