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6 months later

It had been six months and my arm had healed. We boarded a ship and headed back to Arendelle. When we were close enough to the docks, I was in shock. The kingdom was in ruins!

"Jack!" I scream yell.

He comes running to me.

"What's..." Hus voice fades and he knows exactly what to do.

He picks me up and fly's me to land. The ship started to turn and head back to Corana, but Anna yelled at the captain.

"Take me to Arendelle now!!" She yelled.

He shook his head and followed my orders. I started straight ahead and put my feet in the ground. Jack stuck close.

"Jack please stay here. I need to see what is going on. Fly back to the ship and I beg you to never return here with Anna if I don't come here and give you the all clear. And PLEASE keep Anna safe, or I will kill you Jack Frost!" I said not really meaning it.

He started to object and decided to just kiss me on the cheek.

"BE CAREFUL" He yelled from the air.

I nodded and ran. My dress goit in the way so I created some leggings and a loose t-shirt. I melted my shoes and went barefoot. The stones in the road hit my feet and it wasn't cold because the cold doesn't bother me. I ran into a stranger. My hair was all in my face and the braid had come undone. My hair was loosely hanging in my face. The woman got wide eyed when she realized who I was. She took my hand and pulled me into a cellar. I fell and stood back up.

"Princess Elsa! Why were you out there!!!!????" She asked scared.

I looked at her.

"Call me Elsa and what is going on?!?!?" I asked.

She was very shocked.

"Hades. He has come for you. When we told him you weren't here, he flipped and took over waiting for your arrival."

I sighed. Him again?!

"Does he have blue flames on his head?" I asked.

She nodded. UHGG!

I ran out of the cellar and everyone gasped. I ran to the castle and forced the gaits open with my ice. No one is in the courtyard. I run to the doors and open them. He turns around and smiles to me.

"Ahh, at last. My soon to be Queen Elsa of the Underworld." He said evilly.

Hey. Sorry for the late update and the short chapter. I didn't edit this so sorry if it sucjs. PLEASE COMMENT A NAME FOR MY NAMELESS CHILD CHARACTER!!!  And vote and subscribe!


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