Rainy Nights

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Draco helps Y/n deal with cramps through cuddles and a movie.


Mentions of period & cramps.

Draco was the boyfriend who would easily bend over backwards for Y/n. He does anything in his power to make her comfortable and happy. Therefore, when it came to that time of the month, Draco helped her in every way possible.

"I got them!" the cheery voice of Y/n's boyfriend as he entered the house, holding a carrier bag containing the things he had left two hours before to collect. "Finally", Y/n sighed dramatically as Draco walked briskly upstairs. She noticed his coat-shoulders and blonde hair damp from the rain outside as he entered the cosy confide of their bedroom they shared.

Days like this with Draco were never boring. In fact, no days with Draco were boring. But the days Y/n wanted to curl up in her bed, watching movies and cuddling while she recovers from mother nature's monthly visit, she thought her long-term boyfriend would find it excruciatingly tiresome to deal with. Yet he enjoyed it more than most normal days, not seeing.

After removing his coat and placing it over the seating chair by the desk, Draco walks over to the foot of the bed, tapping her leg teasingly after her comment. He begins to pull the items from his bag; sanitary products, second-hand movies, medication, and a lot of chocolate. "Thank you, lovey", answers Y/n with a weak smile, head nestling back into the pillow as her hand cradles her cramp-pained stomach.

"I'll be two minutes, my darling. I'll fill the hot water bottle and bring you some tea, yes?" he asks, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as she hums in relief, "mhm, thank you". He brings her cute water bottle down, filling the kettle to accompany both the warm drink and the bottle which muggles usually handle to maintain the misery of a woman's painful cramps.

Returning to the warm bedroom, Draco's eyes settle on the figure of Y/n, who nods off against the pillow, deep in a reverie until the battering of the rain falling toward the window peels her eyes open, a tired smile covering her features as her boyfriend places the teacup on her bedside before giving her the hot water bottle to cosy with while he changes into his pyjamas.

The patter of the rain against the window causing Y/n to sigh in relief. She reaches over to take ahold of the movies Draco bought, eyes lighting up over the titles she had previously mentioned, unaware Draco was fully listening. "What's the first pick?" Draco asks, walking over as she immediately hands it over, "Pirates of the Caribbean? This one did sound intriguing, I have to admit. I've never really learnt about the histories of pirates before".

Y/n giggles cause him to glance at her while placing the dvd into the player, the title flashing across the television screen, "what?" he chuckles. "Well, Draco, it's not exactly an educational movie..." she trails off as Draco walks back over to settle in beside her. Manoeuvring the bought things back into the plastic bag and onto his own bedside, close-by if Y/n needed anything.

"C'mere", he mumbles as Y/n inches over to his side, arm falling over Draco's waist, "what do you mean?". His hand instantly begins to rub up and down her back, the warmth of his large hands already working wonders on the knots her period has caused to her spine. "It's not historical. It's fantasy, a fictional film", she explains while melting further into Draco's side. The only space between the couple was the hot water bottle that spread through Draco's hip while it aids Y/n.

"Ah, I see", Draco confirms as he uses the remote to start the movie. Y/n glances to the window behind her where the rain thunders against, Draco lowering the volume as not to drown out the noise. "I love the sound of the rain", Y/n states, Draco leaning down to kiss her shoulder delicately, "I know you do, love", he mumbles against her skin. "And I love to cuddle with you", squeezing his side as she smiles, "I know you do, love. As do I", continuing to place gentle kisses upon the skin of her shoulder.

"You love to cuddle with yourself?" Y/n teases, Draco's lips pulling back to rest his head against the pillow, eyes gazing to the screen as the movie begins. "You couldn't help yourself", he states, faux annoyance while instinctively pulling her closer into his side.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘; imagines.Where stories live. Discover now