Draco Can Remember

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After six years, Draco becomes friends with the girl he's fallen in love with but only wishes for more.

Hufflepuff/Year Seven (AU, Voldemort effectively doesn't exist)

Swearing, arguing

Draco can remember the first day he met the girl.

Her hair was cascading down her short frame and her eyes bright as they look into the comparison of his dull ones. It was the first day he was attending Hogwarts, his mum had kissed him goodbye and waved as he walked towards the train, as he went to stride on, another foot steps on the entrance floor. He retracts back, following the other shoe to the student that is attached, immediately preparing himself for an argument, but stopped when he had seen the timid girl that steps back, she watched as he physically smacked his lips shut as he bit his tongue from snapping some backhanded remark.

He didn't say anything, staring at her as she began to spill out a stream of apologies and offered him to walk on first but he gave her a small smile, gesturing for her to go. She thanked him as she stepped on and immediately rushed down the corridor and into one of the compartments, he watched as she disappeared.

Draco can remember wanting to know her name.

He sat with his friends on the train that day and for a great amount of time they discussed the rumour that had already been travelling around, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. Although this interested him, his thoughts were further occupied, his head kept instinctively turning to look behind him as if the girl would be standing there. Before he knew it, his lips told his friends he was going to the toilet, while his feet carried him in the direction of the compartment she went.

Just as he reached it, she had stepped out on her way to the toilet and bumped into him once again, his presence caught her off guard. He laughed lightly at her worried expression while she spat several rushed apologies once again. Instead of commenting on their two clumsy encounters, he extends his hand instead. "Hi, I'm Draco Malfoy" she cut herself off as he introduced himself, staring at the pale hand before reaching hers out to hold his as they shake hands. "Hi, I'm Y/n Y/l/n", that was the nicest name he ever heard.

That was the only encounter they had on the train, after the very short introduction he walked back to his friends as they neared the castle. It frustrated Draco how her name remained stuck in his head, despite the other conversations he had the entire way there.

He sat only an hour later at the Slytherin table, the sorting hat had no thread of hesitance in the decision of what house the blonde boy should represent and Draco strutted over to the end of the table, he wore his biggest smirk. Draco remembers the feeling as Professor McGonnagal spoke the next name, "Y/n Y/l/n?", he stretched his body to watch the girl walk up to the stool and waited in anticipation as the old woman places the talking hat on her head.

Please be Slytherin. Please be Slytherin. Draco repeated in his head, but as he watched the sorting hat talk to her, he knew in the back of his head that she seemed too quiet and withdrawn to be placed in his house. She didn't seem outspoken or cunning. But the preparation didn't hurt him any less when he watched the grinning girl jump off the seat and hop over to the Hufflepuff table. She had a radiant smile as she was welcomed brightly by everyone, she looked right at home amongst the yellow and black ties, and he huffed and he slouched in his seat.

Draco can remember how confused he felt at why he was so devastated at the girl he didn't even know being placed in a different house to himself.

That was the entirety of their relationship for the first six years, the most he ever spoke to her was a simple 'hello' when they saw each other across a class or passed in the library. Over those years, Draco became entranced by her, he realised that the devastation he felt that day they were sorted in their first year was due to some sort of immediate feelings for her but he was only eleven so how was he supposed to know at that age.

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