A Morning Filled With Kisses

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Draco loves to spend the Sunday mornings with Y/n.

Sunday mornings had to be the favourite part of Draco's entire week. The Saturday spent with Y/n at Hogsmeade, holding her hand along the pebbled streets, engaging in playful chatter as they enter the shops and the rest of the time before dinner cooped in a quiet corner in the Three Broomsticks, stealing quick kisses and keeping their company withdrawn from everyone else as they focused on one another.

After dinner, immediately heading back to his private dorm where it's spent quietly cuddled together after a tiring day, wrapped up together under the warm duvet within the cold dungeon walls, some nights talking about anything on their mind until one of them fell asleep, other nights in comfortable silence.

Waking up the next morning, Draco can't help but always place a small smile on his face. Feeling Y/n's arm over his stomach and head tucked towards his neck with the added placements on her hot breath was completely comforting to the Slytherin as he would pull Y/n closer to him, if she could get any closer than already, letting out a long sigh of contentment at the warmth of the morning.

He would just sit, eyes watching the glow of the water bounce of the walls, brightening up his morning as he waits on his love to wake up beside him. It wouldn't take long before his eyes tear from his room wall and to the sleeping girl next to him.

Draco would pull back slightly to be able to see her state clearly. Y/n's mouth slightly open as heavy breaths fall from her lips, hair wonderfully matted and frantic - Draco loved it - along with the soft look of her skin; extra smooth and warm looking from the morning, which invite his calloused fingers to run over her shoulder and down her bare arm that lay across him.

Moving his fingers back up, she squirms in her sleep slightly from the tickled feeling while he moves the spaghetti strap to the side, moving his head to lay light kisses across the exposed area of her shoulder and collarbone as Y/n begins to wake up from the bliss feeling of his lips dancing over her skin.

Draco would always stop to be able to catch the sleepy and dazed smile that would cover Y/n's face once she had woke up, stretching her limbs before nestling closer to Draco's side, the warmth causing her to close her eyes after laying a soft kiss against his very light stubbled cheek.

"Good morning, my love" his arms tighten around her as he greets her, Y/n letting out a little hum in reply, letting her hand wander up to rest against his clothed chest. Gripping the shirt lightly in her grip while moving her head to rest in the crook of Draco's neck, Y/n places more kisses against his skin.

Draco could lay there all day as they periodically and instinctively lay kisses upon each other's skin. Nothing ever sounds more appealing to him.

Letting his eyes drag over her features once more, Draco smiles once again before speaking lowly, "have I ever told you how pretty you look?", his smile widening when he sees her smile in reply, "every day", "good, just making sure" a small laugh falls from her as she leans up to lay a kiss to his lips before they both fall back asleep.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘; imagines.Where stories live. Discover now