Lunchtime by the Tree - Part Two

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After Harry and Y/n's friendship is at stake, Draco seeks her out to comfort her.

Half-Blood/Hufflepuff/Year Six

Cursing, arguing

I fucking knew it. Draco thinks. I knew there was someone there. Of course, it had to be Potter and his stupid friends, how did they even hide? it was a plain expanse of grass and the door to the owlery was open so no one was hiding in there. Thinking about it, if he remembers correctly, the three Gryffindors still sat at the lunch table with Y/n when he left, and if they followed her how did they go unnoticed right up until he was kissing her against the tree?

My Salazar, her bag is heavy, what does she carry around in this bleeding thing?

Draco tries his hardest to rush up the hill, watching as the girls enter through the archway and he starts to walk faster, both shoulders are occupied by a bag strap and his hands are stuffed into his pockets. He knows exactly how angry his expression must look but he can feel his blood boiling from the upset that Harry Potter has caused his girlfriend, so he was not close to giving a shit. That boy completely let his own hurt views eat away at him, and it was clear that he thought calling her out right there and then in such a manner was a good way to expose her for what she has done, not on Draco's watch, he wouldn't be getting away with it lightly. Stupid Potter doesn't know the backstory of their relationship and if he knew Y/n as Draco did, he would know she would never intentionally do anything like this to spite him.

He slows down as he approaches the door, trying to not catch any attention of another as he walks through, the girls nowhere in sight. Where would they be? Draco wonders, it was unlikely Hermione would take the distraught Hufflepuff back to the Great Hall but just in case he thought wrong, his feet carry him there anyway. He stands at the entrance, scanning the Gryffindor table and Hufflepuff table, even the Ravenclaw but just as he thought, there was no sight of his sweetheart. His friends catch his eyes from his usual spot, Goyle waving him over, but drags his eyes off him as he shrugs him off, turning back to leave.

Walking down, Draco stops at the corridor that leads to the courtyard, he stares down all the possible routes, his head spinning with where to look next. Looking back in the direction of the Great Hall, he sees his friend Blaise Zabini walking down the corridor and once he sees Draco has noticed his presence he outstretches his hands to gesture his pure confusion. "What's going on?" he asks his blonde friend, he can physically see the cogs turning in Draco's head, he's never seen his friend look so lost and upset.

"I- uh, I'm looking for someone" Draco speaks, his eyes hardly meeting Zabini as he looks down the halls, clearly distracted. The library! she could be in the library. Y/n has expressed a number of times to him that it is a quiet and comforting place for her to focus so maybe Hermione took her there. Draco's feet start pulling him in the direction of the library, his head so occupied he didn't hear his friend speak.

"Draco, mate" Blaise runs up beside him to walk along, pulling his shoulder, causing him to look at his fellow Slytherin friend, "what? what could you possibly want right now, can't you see I'm busy" he snaps, knowing it's unnecessary to speak to him like so, but he was on a mission to find her because the sooner he finds her, the sooner he finds out if she's okay and the sooner he can leave to kick the shit out of Harry Potter. Walking up the flight of stairs to reach the first floor, Blaise speaks once again, "I asked who you are looking for?" despite Draco's arrogant attitude, his friend continues to walk with him. "I- um, I-" Draco stammers in reply as they walk through the massive archway to the library, "who's bag is that?" Blaise continues questioning as he starts to glance down each section of the library and the nearly non-existent number of people that occupy the tables.

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