Awaiting the Letter

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An anxious Draco awaits for his daughter's letter to arrive to hear which house her and her brother were sorted into.

Hufflepuff, Post-War


Walking down the stairs, a soft and golden morning glow shining through the windows of the early morning, Y/n can feel the breeze of the open window within the kitchen as she turns the kitchen. Draco sat at the small and circular dining table just by the bay window of their kitchen, the sheer curtains floating lightly with the forenoon wind welcoming the room. He was a few pages in The Daily Prophet with a half-drank coffee on the table due to his early rise as he waits anxiously by the ajar window.

Yesterday Y/n and Draco waved their children goodbye from Platform 9 3/4. Scorpius and Lyra both excited to spend their first year at Hogwarts as the train left the station. Both parents knew that time apart from their children will be difficult, and when they initially came home, walking in to complete silence was a weird ambience but was somehow calming.

With it not even being 24 hours since they left, it was a silence that Draco was already tired of. His normal routine of waking up fairly early and cooking his two energetic children breakfast as his wife slept in for that little bit longer. This morning he left Y/n to sleep in as usual as he waited by the window, expecting a letter any moment. He had asked Lyra to send a letter as soon as she could to tell her parents how they were settling in and, most excitedly, what houses they were sorted into.

Draco fell in love with the Hufflepuff girl back in the early years of their time at Hogwarts, and they started going out a year before the battle took place. He adored her Hufflepuff ways, she was always patient, and she was kind, and he wasn't hesitant to let people know he had fallen for the opposing personality Y/n had in comparison to his. She was the reason he was a better person, the reason he didn't walk to the dark side that day his parents quietly begged, staying by her side without hesitance - doing anything and everything he could to protect her, love her, and be with her.

So years after, settling down with a family beside the woman he married and knew was his soulmate, Draco found the life that he never thought he was worthy of. A happy family, free of isolation and with the openness to talk about things and whatever worries were going through their child's minds. Draco never thought he could get to this place, but with Y/n by his side, he found it even better than he dreamed, and he became the father he strived to be.

Y/n watches as Draco lightly bites his thumb fingernail nervously as his free hand holds the newspaper, any new noise that emits outside causing his attention to snap to the window expecting their owl to arrive. His gaze turning around to the entrance of the kitchen as his wife quietly enters, "good morning, darling. How did you sleep?" asked Draco as she stands behind him to wrap her arms around his shoulders and lean down to the crook of his neck, he turns his head to kiss her hair, hands leaving their occupied position to hold her arms, rubbing one softly as she replies, "I slept very well, how did you sleep?" Draco sighs, "I didn't get much".

Pulling away, Y/n walks to the table instead to pick up his mug containing the now-cold coffee, now drawing her husband in for a quick kiss before heading to their kettle, pouring the old coffee into the sink and grabbing her own mug to make them both some fresh coffee, "you have to stop worrying about them, love. I'm sure they're doing great and loving their new school," Y/n tries to convince as she puts the teaspoon of coffee into the mugs as the kettle boils the water. She can hear movement behind her as Draco stands from his chair. She feels his arms wrap around her waist and his chest press against her back, him sighing in contentment as his head rests on her shoulder.

"I can't help it. I keep thinking about how worried Scorpius was over which house he will be sorted in" the kettle clicks as Y/n then pours the boiling water into the mugs, "you should have woke me up. I don't like that you were up all night alone", Draco brushes her hair behind her shoulder to place a kiss against her neck as she adds the milk into their coffees, "you were exhausted last night, I was going to bring you a coffee this morning, but you looked like you were in a deep sleep" he pulls away to handle his own mug as they both return to the table, Y/n sitting to face onto the window while Draco returns to his own seat, quicky glancing out.

"Scorpius just wants to be like you, he hears about how much you loved your house, he wants to be in Slytherin, so he can make you proud, but we both know that's the house he will be put into, so you shouldn't worry about that" Draco shakes his head in deep thought after her reply, staring down to his mug, "we know he is a Slytherin, love".

He nods in agreement with another quick sigh, his head racing with the worries that kept him up during the night, "what about Lyra though? what if she's a Hufflepuff? She's a quiet girl, and I'm worried that there are little shits like I was at school who bully her", "again, we know that she will just brush them off, she's a strong girl. Besides, she has her brother to look out for her as well they can care for each other". Y/n moves her chair closer to Draco while he laces their hands together, pulling them up to place a delicate kiss against her knuckles.

"I hope he is Slytherin", Draco lightly says, "I know, I hope Lyra's a Hufflepuff" Y/n adds, "oh me too, she would show how great people in Hufflepuff are" Draco agrees as he squeezes her hand. Looking out the window, Y/n can see the small brown-feathered figure in the distance, their house owl nearing the window. "We have our answer", Draco follows her small nod and gaze, jumping from his seat upon seeing the owl as it grasps the edges of the cream parchment in its beak, resting on the windowsill as Draco gently takes it from the animal, Y/n standing beside him as he opens the letter carefully.

Y/n awaits Draco's reaction as his eyes scan the page, which lights up a moment later as Draco lets out a small yet happy cheer "Lyra says she's in Hufflepuff! she says she's so happy and her roommates are all friendly" Y/n arm wraps around Draco's bicep as she stands on her toes to kiss her husband's cheek, his face in pure bliss as he reads on. Another weight off his chest once he reads the next few sentences, "and she said that Scorpius is in Slytherin and that he is settling in, that he has made some friends a couple of so from Ravenclaw!" he turns to his wife, grinning so wide it makes her let out a giggle of happiness to see Draco has significantly calmed down from receiving his daughter's letter.

"How perfect is that?" asks Draco as she nods, "it's amazing. I'm glad they are settling in even better than expected!" she agrees, matching his giddiness as he places a series of enthusiastic kisses on her cheek, causing her to shriek as she holds his neck, trying to pull away playfully. Once he does, he immediately makes an exit from the kitchen, "I need to reply to her right now, extra points for not mentioning any Gryffindors", Y/n, who returns to her seat, starts shaking her head, "that's not a dealbreaker in fact I encourage them talking with people from Gryffindor" she speaks loudly as he makes his way to his little office, "they don't need to hear that, darling".

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