You Deserve Better

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Draco and Y/n's daughter comes home heartbroken.


Mentions of heartbreak and breakup.

There was a delicate aroma of coffee, the soft sound of rain pattering against the window outside and the sound of the record player playing old music next door while Draco's wife slept soundly on top of their bed, covered with a soft blanket her husband draped over her napping figure. In his little office across from their shared bedroom, he sat in his chair, focus trained on the muggle book someone from work recommended to him a month back, which he was already engrossed in.

He felt a sense of calm that was familiar in the peaceful and carefully domesticated lifestyle he and Y/n adopted over the years after the war had ended. Both wanting nothing more than settling down with a family of their own, now they had two beautiful children. Scorpius, their twelve-year-old son, currently sat downstairs with his muggle gaming machine, as Draco sadly referred to it as. While their eighteen-year-old child, Ara, went out to see her boyfriend since he had requested for her to come over.

Draco watched once she had left, umbrella up and feet pattering quickly in the rain with a giddy smile to see the boy she really likes, a scowl covering his face at the fact his daughter has grown up enough to have a relationship but internally comforted at seeing her so happy since that's all he cared about, his family's happiness.

So when Draco hears the slam of the door, and the startled sound of Scorpius' controller hitting the floor in fright, he pulls himself from the current sentence in the book and to the commotion downstairs. "Hey, why would you do that?" the muffled voice of Scorpius asks after his sister storms through to turn off the dreaded tv filled with the noise of his game before kicking off her shoes in the hallway and storming upstairs.

Draco recoils at the noise, hearing her bedroom door slam as she retreats to her bed. He gets up, placing his book to the side as he steps out of the tranquil aura of the office. Opening his bedroom door to see if the disturbance had awakened Y/n, Draco lets out a sigh of relief at seeing her sleeping state in the way he left, completely unaware of the noise.

Quietly shutting the door, he instead walks to his daughter bedroom, using his knuckle to chap two light raps on her door. There's a stifled reply from the other side, "go away, Scorpius", "it's your dad", "go away, dad". He glances behind him in the thought of leaving her be, and as much as he wanted to, he knew he had to continue; without pressing her but just to express his concern and ensure she knows she can talk to him, "Ara, I'm through in the office if you need me". He was met with silence but retreated to his room as he knows she has heard him and is now wanting privacy.

Draco begins to read his book again, his concentration set on his daughter down the hall. His head snaps up at the doorknob rattling as it opens. However, it's his son that walks in. "She turned off my game, dad" he rubs at his eyes tiredly from the use of the screen for hours, Draco setting down his book to envelop his younger child into his arms as the Scorpius lets out a sigh of comfort in his father's arms, "it was time to get off anyway, you look tired, love".

Soon enough, his son is asleep in his arms, and carefully Draco stands up, lifting Scorpius higher to ensure he doesn't fall as he enters his bedroom, placing the boy gently beside Y/n, moving the blanket for them to share before moving back to his office once again, but this time his daughter sits at the bay window which overlooks the quiet and rain-drenched street, her knees tucked to her chest as she tries to stop her tears, sniffles causing her chest to rapidly rise and fall.

"Ara, darling. What's happened?" asked Draco as he closed the door behind him, moving his chair over to sit by her feet. Her face looks irritated from her crying. "He broke up with me", Ara croaks before tucking her head towards her knees, sobs emitting from her throat as her heart shattered into a million pieces, Draco's following swiftly behind at the sight of his broken daughter.

Moving from his seat, Draco ushers Ara to reposition herself as he settles beside her on the bay window, pulling his daughter into his arms as hers tightly grip around his waist, her sobbing muffled by his t-shirt. "I'm going to kill him, I swear-", "dad please", Ara utters back, not wanting to hear those words right now, instead just wanting to be comforted.

"He left me for another girl", she adds, gripping his top tighter as her weight rests onto her father, who squeezes her closer to him. "Baby, you don't deserve this. He is insane for leaving you, especially for another" his hand reaches to slowly hold her head as he cradles her, reminding him of when she was a baby; holding her tightly in his arms as her sobbing calmed, he wishes he could be back there, keeping her safe from the cruel outside world.

"He wasn't the one if he left you like that, you will find someone better than him", Draco continues, his thumb softly rubbing her head as he feels her panicking sobs slowly calm down, her weight growing heavier as she slowly falls asleep in her father's arms, the soft sound of the rain and old music next door helping her doze, "you deserve better, darling".

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘; imagines.Where stories live. Discover now