Lunchtime by the Tree

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Draco and his girlfriend keep their relationship secret, only meeting up at times where they could go unnoticed, but Harry and his friends become curious of Y/n's constant excuses for absence and decide to follow

Half-Blood/Hufflepuff/Year Six

Cursing, arguing

Walking down from her common-room and towards the Great Hall where lunch is currently taking place, Y/n reads her book the entire way down until she reaches the entrance. Fiddling with the small piece of loose paper in her hand, she glances over the note that she received this morning after breakfast. It was when she was walking towards the door with her friends to go outside before classes had started. Y/n held onto Hermione's arm, she watched as Draco barged into Ron's shoulder as he walked past, "woah, watch where you're going, Weaslebee" said Draco, he turned around to face him with a smirk on his face, his shoulder subtly touching Y/n's as the boys immediately start arguing. "Potter has quite the attitude on him today, boy's, doesn't he?" he laughed while glancing at his friends behind him as Harry continuously snaps at the blonde while pulling Ron's scowling stance away, "sod off, Malfoy" spits Ron.

As they turned back towards the entrance, Draco and his friends turn the opposite way to sit down, it thankfully goes unnoticed that Draco quickly grabs Y/n's hand to place a folded piece of parchment in her palm and without even looking in her direction, walks away.

At lunch, meet me at the same tree.

That was all the note contained but it was enough to bring a smile to her face every time she read it at the thought of spending time with her boyfriend. Due to the several differences in their lives, her being a Hufflepuff and while he's a Slytherin, he is a pureblood with parents that would expect nothing less but she was a half-blood, and she is friends with his worst enemy. They had to keep their relationship a secret as Draco deemed it important so they could be together free of judgement from anyone in Hogwarts, and to keep her safe from his side of the Wizarding world.

It was now lunchtime, and she wedges the note into the middle of the current page of her book she was reading before putting it back into her shoulder bag, beginning to walk into the Great Hall for a quick bite of food before going to meet her boyfriend.

Y/n walks over towards her friends, they all send her a smile as they eat their soup and sandwiches, stepping over the bench and taking a seat she greets Neville and other Gryffindor's that sit beside her before looking towards Harry and Hermione that sit in front, "hey guys". Despite being in Hufflepuff, she much preferred sitting with her close friends at food hours. She grabbed a cheese toastie and a some salad to have.

As Harry continues his story prior to her arrival, she looks ahead of him where the Slytherin table sits and immediately catches eyes with Draco, who was already staring at her. He raises his eyebrows in a teasing manner before saying something to his friends and standing from his seat, all the while never breaking eye contact with her, before sending a wink as he begins leaving the hall. "You know the food isn't going to run away, right?" asked Harry as they watch her suddenly eat her food as quickly as possible, "we still have like two hours" Ron adds from beside her while stuffing his face, far worse than she was. "We actually have an hour and forty-six minutes, and you have nothing to say, Ronald, when you eat for the entirety of Hogwarts" Hermione explains while fidgeting with her watch, causing the other three to glance at each other in amusement of her words, Harry and Y/n laugh while Ron rolls his eyes.

She places another forkful of salad into her mouth before placing her plate to the side, "well this has been fun but I need to go" Y/n declares while grabbing her bag and standing from her seat, they all furrow their eyebrows, "What? you just got here, Y/n?" Ron questions. She nods, "I know but I need to study, sorry" she tries to explain. "All you do right now is study, we still have two hours, just sit down for another while and chill" Harry tries to reason with her, he has grown suspicious of the constant excuses during every meal to leave, "an hour and forty-five minutes" Hermione corrects once again, Y/n just smiles and shakes her head. "I'll see you at dinner" she excuses herself.

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