I've Got You

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After having another nightmare, Draco is there to comfort Y/n through it.


Small angst - in form of the reader struggling from a nightmare but it's fluff Draco comforting.

With the war vastly approaching, the fear of people all around fighting until the end - whether it will be a good or bad finish - added with the thought of losing Draco amongst it all was overwhelming and completely frightening to Y/n.

She could hardly sleep alone, every night laying in Draco's bed, clung to his side. Most people would want their space at points, but Draco kept hidden his own fear of losing Y/n and entering the war, so it was only comforting to have his girlfriend lay in his arms every night and wouldn't dream of being anywhere else.

Except Y/n got horrible nightmares of what might happen during the battle, it's was unpredictable when she would get the reoccurring dream, but when she did, it always made her wide awake and fearful of the future.

With a jolt, she is pulled from her realistic vision, the hand that was lying on Draco's stomach now pressing down as Y/n sits up in her position. Wiping her tears that fall whilst she tries her hardest to focus on her breath, Y/n doesn't even notice Draco's conscious and now upright presence until his large hand gently lays on her shoulder.

Pressing his chin on top of her shoulder, Draco's calming voice begins to try its hardest to soothe the crying girl in front whilst snaking his free arm around her waist to run his thumb up and down her side assuringly, "it's alright, darling, it's okay. It was all a dream, not a reality. We are safe. We are in my room where no one can hurt us". His voice is patient and calm; when helping Y/n through her panic attacks, he could be easily mistaken for a Hufflepuff, but all Draco could focus on was the erratic breathing that fell from his lover's mouth.

"But they hurt you, I tried- I tried to run over in time, but you fell onto the floor and..." Y/n can't finish her sentence; the picture of her imagination still front and centre in her mind, that verbally talking about it will only make it worse for her at that moment.

"I'm right here, my love. I'm safe, and you're safe." Draco continues to whisper in her ear, arm removing from her waist to pull the loose strands from her face to see her more clearly. Laying a kiss upon her temple, Draco delicately ushers Y/n to lie back down with him.

Moving their bodies back onto the bed, Draco keeps her close as he feels her breathing calm down. Once she lies on the bed, Draco's arm holding her underneath, he leans on his elbow to look at her from the side. He can see Y/n grow calmer when her tear-puffed, worried eyes meet his peaceful ones. Her hand instinctively reaches out to run over his cheek.

Relaxing from the feeling of him so close, Draco moves in to hug Y/n, letting her know he is not going anywhere, not today or any day thereafter. "I've got you", he assures Y/n, the hand that holds the back of her head caressing her hair as he lays delicate kisses on her shoulder, "I've got you, and I'm never letting you go".

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘; imagines.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang