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Draco has a crush on Y/n, a muggle-born, and is conflicted whether to act on it or not.

Muggle-born, Ravenclaw, Year Six

Use of the word "mud-blood"

It was something Draco never expected to happen. Yet it did. Falling deep for not only a Ravenclaw but for a muggle-born Ravenclaw at that. For years, Draco would refer to everyone with non-magic parents as mudbloods, not giving anyone with that blood status the time of day. But for Y/n, he went as long as he could without any information about her because deep down, he knew she wasn't a pureblood. Any mention of her name meant he shut off and pulled himself from the conversation as the longer he went without knowing officially, the longer he could pretend.

The way Draco felt for Y/n started slowly from when he returned to Hogwarts for their fourth year, the slight change in not only her looks but the slow confidence that she had gained over the summer. She was still a little quiet, but now at times during study periods or times he walked outside during his free periods - he heard her small laugh, which drew him in almost immediately.

At the end of year five, he found out she was a muggle-born from his friend Pansy after she taunted several of her friends, one of them exclaiming she was the only non-muggle-born out of the group and should be let off from the Slytherin's comments. The snickering of the friends as Pansy told the story was ignored by Draco as he stared off the train window, unsure of what to do about the situation that he kept to himself, now knowing he can't ignore her blood status anymore.

For that entire summer, he thought about Y/n for a long part of it since he was stuck inside. Meeting were being held at his house while his dad was sent to Azkaban, which meant he was very lonely, more than normal. Many nights he wondered what his future holds as he stares out at the night sky, the shining moon casting a glow in his dull room as he spends hours thinking of what it will be like next year. And after being assigned the task of killing Dumbledore, the only thing he looked forward to was seeing Y/n, everything else sounding completely dreadful to Draco.

During Dumbledore's welcome back speech, the many first years chatting quietly in pure enthusiasm while people ate in the excitement of another year at Hogwarts was blurred as Draco trailed off, the worries of the task to fix the cabinet quickly clouded when he catches a glimpse of Y/n from her Ravenclaw table, listening intently to the headmaster with a small smile on her face. What would my father think? Falling for a muggle-born? He would think to himself.

But your father is not here. He is insufferable anyways. Said a voice back to him, far in the depth of his head.

However, glancing back as people were dismissed to their dorms, Draco watched as she stood up in deep conversation with Luna Lovegood, and he continued to think to himself. It was frowned upon in his family to date someone who wasn't a pureblood. The entire Tonks family were banished from their family for mixing up with what his dad would constantly refer to as "dirty blood", something Draco had grown to hate hearing. The curiosity he had got the better of him whenever he saw her, sending him into a daydream almost every time. To him, Y/n became dangerous to be around.

He lay hours later, alone in his Prefect dorm, tossing and turning the entire night. The effect Y/n had on him concluding Draco's decision to avoid her in any way he can. He had never spoken to the girl before, so there was no drastic change for her. She didn't even notice him look any of those times, so it was something he knew he had to work on himself. The Slytherin boy knew that if he had to focus on mending the cabinet, he had to stop focusing on her presence.

Draco's decision already ruined the following day in Transfiguration when he sits at the back of the class, away from Blaise and Theo, to be by himself and actually focus on the class for once. Y/n steps in late, and the second Draco notices her, looks down at his page he was reading, placing his thumb at the edge of his mouth to nervously teeth at. He continuously glances up as the girl hands Professor McGonnagal a note, the older witch reading it before nodding, talking to Y/n quietly before pointing to the spare seat placed beside Draco. He immediately drops his hand onto the table, shifting in his seat as he sits up higher, rubbing his face in frustration before hearing her small voice, "excuse me", as she slides behind him and sits beside him.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘; imagines.Where stories live. Discover now