Being Loved

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Draco has loved Y/n for as long as he can remember, but has his doubts in telling her due to her being a Hufflepuff.


Draco sits at his usual space during breakfast, his friends talking amongst each other, their conversation blurry to the boy as he focuses on the certain Hufflepuff that sat with her group of friends. Her smile was bright enough to light the entirety of the Great Hall alone and her eyes were sparkling alongside. He has been in love with Y/n as long as he could remember, what started as a normal, child crush had turned into an infatuation. Draco was absolutely captivated by the sight and sound of her. Y/n's presence could brighten anyone's day but, thanks to himself, he only got to see that from the sideline. As much as he loved her, he had hardly uttered a word towards the sweet girl as she was very different to him. They weren't in the same house and her personality was much separate from his. He couldn't put up with a lot of the people in this school, a permanent scowl covering his face throughout the day filled with lessons and breaks but not once had he seen the grin leave her face during the school day, she was very patient and fit her house perfectly, and this is what surprisingly pulled him in.

The blonde's boy snaps out his reverie as he sees the girl stand from her seat, pulling her bag over her shoulder as she lifts her several notes she glanced over at breakfast, Draco amused at the fact that she intentionally placed them beside her food to revise before class but her eyes remained on the people around her as they chatted the morning away. Draco watches as Y/n and her friend begin to walk down the table to head to class, others also beginning to walk out the hall as the bell indicates the start of classes.

Draco drops his stone-cold slice of toast he held in his hands onto the plate, pushing it away as he hits his friend, Blaise's chest, "come on, lets get to potions" his eyes remain on Y/n as he stands from his seat, her figure dissapearing as she walks out the hall. While he walks away, slinging his bag over his shoulder as Blaise say's goodbye to their friends, "I don't understand why you want to get to this class early everytime, you don't rush for the others" Blaise speaks but his friend grunts in reply as the walk down the corridors and towards the dungeons.

Just as they are going to turn the corridor Draco catches sight of the colour of Y/n's hair, in between all the moving students as she and her friend stand at the departing routes, talking to her friend and giving them a hug goodbye. As they walk past, Draco is oblivious to the fact he is staring so intently at her until his neck is craning backwards to see her, having now walked past. Blaise is disgusted by the fact his friend can be so intetly distracted by a girl and nudges him back into a reality, "mate, are you gonna tell the girl or not?" asked Blaise as soon as they are out of earshot, glancing behind him to see Y/n behind in their direction to potions.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Draco says nonchalantly, looking down to fiddle with his rings as they continue down the path, Blaise scoffing at his friends words, "you clearly know what I'm talking about" he replies, but Draco just pulls a face while shaking his head and shrugs, "no, frankly no idea". He has never told his friends and never felt the need to, since he will never be able to tell Y/n herself.

They could never go out, she was the complete opposite. What would my father think? What the leading thought of many that spun around his head. Y/n would never like a guy like me, anyways. Would be another contributing overthought. But as much as he has tried to get the Hufflepuff girl out his head, he had to accept he couldn't. He had tried dating other girls once or twice but as he had sat in the Great Hall talking to a girl he was currently dating, his eyes would still lead him to the table Y/n sat and before he could comprehend, he was in another trance, as if she was an illusion pulling him in and hypnotising him.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘; imagines.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ