🔪Chapter: 12🔪

Start from the beginning

Dawon is terrified of Hoseok at this point. Hoseok always gets mad at her, too. Mom wasn't a drug addict when she was born. It's Hoseok who had to get fucked up. Dawon is so perfect. Mom loves Dawon. Mom hates Hoseok. That's all Hoseok had known. He hears his mother praise Dawon for doing great things, but she always tells Hoseok how much she hates him. His father left once she got pregnant with him. It's not even like he looks like his father much. He looks like his mother and his sister. Some people swear Hoseok and Dawon could be identical twins if they were the same gender. They aren't twins, though. Hoseok wishes they were, so he wasn't so hated.

Hoseok even gets beat for taking his mom's drugs. He urges for them often considering he technically was on them when he was in the womb. He became emotionless over time because of everything. He wants someone to come and bring light into the world.

Hoseok's world practically lost color. He has a world in his mind he created. He calls it Hope World. It's full of color, peace, and happiness. He has the perfect lover who brings all the light and happiness to his world. It's a utopia. No one gets upset at him in Hope World. His own world is the thing that keeps him going. If Hope World falls to shambles, he falls.

Hoseok flinches when barking of a dog fills his ears. He glances down, a dog at his side. He looks at the corner, it belonging to the house next to wear he currently is.

The dog continues to bark, only annoying him more. Hoseok rolls his eyes, grabbing a large rock compared to the small dog. He throws it against the dog's leg with intention of making it run away. Instead, the dog helps, trying to run. It can't run. Hoseok threw it too hard, and he broke the dog's leg.

Hoseok is shocked when he feels better. He feels way better. The dog's sounds of pain makes him feel better about himself and life itself. He uses his foot, just stepping on another leg. Since the dog is small and fragile compared to Hoseok's 15 year old self, the leg snaps. The dog yelps again, unable to get up.

Hoseok lightly scoffs, smirking. It's the best he's felt in years. He grabs more nature items such as stick and rocks. He goes back to the dog, killing it with his resources. He picks it up, tossing it in the people's yard for them to see. The dog looks as if an animal mauled it. Too bad they don't know it was just the wrath of Jung Hoseok.


Hoseok looks in the mirror. His mom got him medication that's meant to help with his mental state. It only makes it worse. He already has his habit of killing and harming animals. When the addiction of pain again animals and his medicine collide, it tears him apart internally. Makes him feel more useless and awful than he already did. It even makes his urges worse since he wants to feel good.

Hoseok analyzes his face. There's no more smiling. When is the last time he cracked a smile? He can't remember. He has bruises and cuts on himself from his mother's abuse. His heart is shattered. His sister still wants to help him. His sister still tries to help him. She's the only human being he thinks is okay. She's scared of him though. Likely because of his appearance and fucked up brain. He looks years older than he should. He's not even 18. He's barely even 16. His eyes sag as if he were to have a full time job.

Hoseok sighs. He can't count how many times his mother has harped on him about his looks. She always tells him he needs to take care of himself. That he would look good if he took care of himself. He only started looking so bad because of his medicine.

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