🔪Chapter: 4🔪

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Yoongi wakes up to his alarm. He stops the alarm, then looks over at his phone for a note. As usual, there's a note there.

Good morning. You look extremely peaceful while sleeping. I'm not going to hurt you unless I need to. Taehyung is not me. I told you to stay away from him. I was going to kill him, but I decided this is better. I don't enjoy how close you are to Hoseok. I thought he would be okay, but it seems as if I were wrong. I want you to stop Jin and Namjoon from being so affectionate. It makes me sick seeing you so cuddly with other men. Would you be curious to see who I am? I worry about you telling people. Maybe I can come to you masked. I love you dearly. I got you a gift again today for being so okay with Taehyung for me. I also felt sympathetic for seeing you so upset when you read my note yesterday. You make me have emotion. It's not something I've had much of. I need to go. Your alarm is going to go off soon. I can't be here when you wake up. Have a good day, kitten. ~ J.H.

Yoongi feels awful. Taehyung is an innocent man getting arrested for nothing. He'll likely be found guilty as well. Taehyung was just acting suspicious enough for J-Hope to easily frame him. Yoongi feels so awfully stupid for letting this happen to Taehyung. Hopefully, Taehyung won't be mad at Yoongi. Hoseok was the one to report him. Jimin likely said that since Hoseok never asked him to hide his identity, and Jimin is that type of person.

Once again, Yoongi can't listen to the murderer. He doesn't want to abandon Hoseok. This love is already stronger than Taehyung's. He feels as if Hoseok is his soulmate already. Yoongi isn't one to fall in love fast either.

Yoongi looks over to see another wrapped gift. He opens it up, gasping when he sees it. It's a bunch of expensive jewelry. Most of it has "M.Y. x J.H." engraved into it. There's a ring that practically looks like a highly pricey engagement ring, a chain necklace with a small piece that has the engraved initials into it, another ring with their initials engraved, and some new earrings for him to wear. Yoongi smiles, trying to figure out which finger the ring with their engraved initials fits on. It fits on his right ring finger, a smile forming on his face. He puts the chain on, slipping it under his shirt as he does with any other neckwear. He switches his earrings out for the dangling one's. The one he puts on his left ear has a peace symbol, bullet point, and some sort of filled-in circle. The other one has the same peace symbol in bullet point along with a chain and a rod. He puts the more expensive ring into the casing, putting it in a safe space. He doesn't want people to ask where he got the money for such a beautiful ring. Yoongi decides he should probably write a note back real quick. He grabs a piece of paper and a pen, writing it down quickly.

I know you're probably watching me, so I wanted to write back today. I love everything, but you don't have to use so much money! I didn't wear the diamond ring because I personally don't have enough money for that type of jewelry. I didn't want people asking where I got it from. I am in love with it, though. Thank you so much. I am writing this because I didn't want you to think I'm ungrateful or dislike it. You don't need to get me things. It's also reassuring you won't hurt me for the time being. Please, don't harm Namjoon or Jin. They're like my family. I know you probably won't care much, but I just asked you not to hurt them. If you absolutely NEED to hurt them for some reason, don't do permanent damage. They mean a lot to me in not the way you think. I love them in another way. I hope you read this and see how thankful I am, though. I need to go to work. ~ Yoongi

Yoongi gets dressed quickly, rushing out the door to finish his morning routine.


Yoongi flinches at the bell ringing. He's immediately greeted with an excited Jimin.

"Taehyung was found guilty! It sounds like they might close the case, but they want to keep it open. They want to make sure Taehyung is J-Hope and not just an accomplice. Either way, Jungkook and I both got promoted for moving the case ahead so much," Jimin jumps up and down.

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