here enters the bad bitch

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Mrs. Cha shifted, stretching her legs out in front of her, Jin's head throbs, not wanting to hear another story that she knew was going to hurt her heart.

Jin bit the inside of her cheek, wanting to help but also worrying about Hyunsu and Eunhyuk.

Jin grabs a towel from one of the cribs and goes to sit next to Mrs. Cha, stretching her legs out as well.

She hands the towel towards the weeping woman, Mrs. Cha takes it gratefully, wiping her face roughly.

Jin grabbed the towel gently from her and wiped Mrs. Cha's face softly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she uttered, still wiping Mrs. Cha's face.

She shook her head sniffing, Jin put her hand down, trying not to look at the woman in pity. Without warning, Mrs. Cha broke down again sobbing loudly, Jin wrapped her arms around her as she sobbed.

"Why- why did she have to- my baby girl- she- Ah my daughter." she wailed, gripping the material of Jin's black sweatshirt tightly. Jin's heart clenched
as the woman wailed loudly again.

Jin sat there comforting the weeping woman, rubbing her back.

Her mind wandered, she wanted to be present to help Mrs. Cha but she couldn't help but think about Hyunsu, and Eunhyuk.

Mrs. Cha sniffed again before pulling away, she let out a shuddering breath, taking the towel again.

"I'm sorry, it's just- it's just a lot, " Mrs. Cha swallowed, standing to her feet, Jin stands as well, putting her hand on Mrs. Cha's shoulder.

"Hey I have to take care of some stuff but if you wait here, I can come back and we can talk about everything, maybe it'll help."

Mrs. Cha nodded slowly, sitting down again.

"Alright I'll be right back," Jin assured opening the door, she shut the door behind her, walking towards the bathroom.

She locked the bathroom door before falling onto the ground sobbing softly, she had listened to so much pain, so much heartbreak.

Her heart hurt, but she knew she had to stay strong. She wiped her face and stood, her stomach churning, she grabbed some hand towels from the counter and wet them with cool water.

She unlocked the door and went to open it before she felt her bladder burn. She felt relieved that she started making urine again, she hadn't had to use the restroom due to how much blood she had lost.

She put the towels on the counter again before peeing quickly, she washed her hands before wetting the towels again.

She wrung them out before breathing in deeply, she flinched as the door slammed open, Eunhyuks sister EunYu walking in.

Her head bobbed to the music that poured out of her headphones, her eyes widened as she saw Jin staring at her. She pulled off the headphones, clearing her throat.

"Uh hi?"

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