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Eunhyuk and Hyunsu are awake !
Wook / Chatterbox is becoming more bold and well-AHHHHHHH
Jin screamed like a mad person and it's time to find out why she was screaming like an idiot !

Everyone stood in the doorway of the bedroom, ready to defend themselves and Jin if needed.

Eunhyuk and Hyunsu however, were still in the cafeteria waiting for Jin to come for their souls as well.

Jin stood in front of Chatterbox, her mouth still slacked open. Wook's eyes were wide as he stared at her, he raised his hand towards her face and grabbed her chin.

He pushed it up trying to close her mouth, but after six tries he gave up.

"Jin?" Suyeong's small voice ringed out, slightly shaking Jin from her unresponsive state. Jin shut her mouth as her mind raced.

Hyunsu is barely on his feet and he wants him to go down to the basement? Scratch that he wants Hyunsu, himself, Jaheon, Jinsu and Eunhyuk to go down there.

Jin met Wook's eyes before turning towards the children.

"Uh yeah, sorry everyone! I know i probably woke up some of you, uh but you can um go back to sleep," Jin strained her voice wavering ever so slightly.

"But we aren't tired, what's going on?" Yeongsu queried looking towards Wook, Wook shook his head before speaking softly,

"Nothing, why don't the two of you go get something to the cafeteria? Me and Jin will go need to talk but we'll meet you there." He stated, gesturing out the door.

After some convincing, the two children left to the store, Jinsu and Jaheon in tow. The other adults slowly left too, shutting the door behind them.

Wook didn't move as Jin ran a hand through her hair, Jin moved towards one of the beds and sat down on it, the bed sinking in slightly. Wook moved slowly towards the bed as well, sitting next to her, their knees touching.

"I- mm, I don't know Wook, I mean Hyunsu almost just collapsed, Eunhyuk even with that nap looks exhausted. I just don-" She whispered her voice cracking slightly. She took a deep breath before swallowing harshly.

"You don't what?" Wook inquired, but regretted it as Jin's eyes got cold and cloudy.

Jin turned towards Wook, contemplating whether to tell him or not.

Don't let him in, he'll just leave you, once he finds out what you let happen- Her mom cackled rolling around.

Jin shook her head.

Shut up, just- i- stop please, please stop.

Wook stared at Jin, he looked down at her hands that were gripping into her thighs.

Her fingernails digging into the fabric of her jeans. He gazed at her face, her eyes shut tightly as if she was in pain.

"Jin, Jin- you're here, you're here with me. Come back to me, look at me." He whispered grabbing her hands softly, he leaned in caressing her check. "I'm here,"

Jin slightly opened her eyes, blinking as she noticed how close they were.

They both flinched back before Jin cleared her throat. She looked down at their intertwined hands, Wook quickly tried to pull away but Jin kept holding his hand.

"Thank you, truly," she whispered before letting go, "I know, I know we have to do this but- i'm just scared. I trust you, i do- ah let's just do this,"

Wook looked at Jin bewildered, before a playful smile danced lightly on his lips.

"Who said you were going?" He queried, preparing himself for her reaction. Jin stared at the floor while stretched her legs out.

"I didn't say i was—I know you guys will be fine, with everyone that can fight these monsters going down to the basement, we need to have someone up here just in case," Jin stated, trying to believe her own words.

She wanted to go down to the basement, she wanted to make sure everyone would be ok, she wanted to protect everyone, but she knew they could handle themselves.

Jin rubbed her eyes before turning back towards Chatterbox. She smiled softly, before letting go of his hand.

"Are you going right now?" She softly asked looking towards the floor, she fidgeted with her hand picking at the skin around her fingers.

"Yeah, but we need to talk to everyone about the plan once we go down there," he stated, standing to his feet.

Jin stood as well, the silence comfortable as they both walked towards the cafeteria, hand in hand.

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