I am losing my mind

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After a very tense three hours of Jin pacing back and forth, Jae-heon scolding her for pacing and then them pacing together- Jisu was out of surgery.

Now it was time to wait. Time to stare at Jisu until she felt self-conscious and woke up.

Jin smiled as Eunhyuk walked out of the surgical room and nodded in understanding when he said he need some space.

Hyunsu nodded as well before following after him in spite.

Jin sat in Wooks arms while he rested his head on her own and slept, they sat on the floor in front of the surgical room- wanting to give Jae-Heon some space.

She drummed her fingers against her shoes and flinched when EunYu walked towards them bobbing her head.

"Where's the bastard?" She questioned, standing in front of the pair.

"I don't really know, uh he went that way- I think Hyunsu went with him," Jin said knowing Wook was awake but he kept his eyes closed not wanting to talk to the person he considered a pest.

"Oh, how's the bitch in there?" she questioned finally taking her headphones.

"She's good, we are just waiting for her to wake up,"



Jin bite the inner part of her cheek and looking around at her limited settings before clearing her throat.

"Did you want to ask something else or do you need something?"

"What- no, I was thinking and you ruined my thought process," she scowled but still remained standing in front of them.

"Oh well, its just that you're standing in front of us, not really saying anything," Jin said shrugging her shoulders.

"That's really none of your concern,"

"Um yeah it kind of is when you are basically breathing down my neck- just say you're in love with me," Jin said rolling her eyes. "I mean it can't be help- I am gorgeous, but uh I'm too old for you kid."

EunYu fake gagged before spinning on her heel and walking in the opposite direction of her brother.

"Okay, for some reason that hurt my feelings?" Jin said to herself, frowning.

Jin jumped to her feet, slamming her head into Wook's chin and rushed over to Jae-heon who had just opened the door.

"Is she awake? I want to talk to her, get the fuck out," Jin said pushing passed Jae-Heon before pushing him out of the room.

Jae-Heon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before walking towards Wook who was still on the floor rubbing his chin.

"What the hell happened to you?"


Jin smiled knowingly at Jisu who was more pale than before but didn't seem to be in anymore serious pain.

"Are you okay?" She questioned, sitting in the chair Jae-Heon was just sitting in. Jisu nodded scared, she knew what was about to go down.

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