well this should be fun

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"JIN WAKE UP!" I hear Yuseong cry in my ear, I recoil and bounce out of bed before automatically crumpling on the cold floor keening in agony.

Black specks danced in front of my eyes as my hand flew to my injury which was radiating with pain.

My breathing accelerates as I open my eyes, eyeing Yuseong, who was gawking, eyes wide with concern.

His hair was all over the place, he was trembling and tears were rushing down his face.

"What's going on?" I query worried but my eyes blurry with tears.

I groan loudly before attempting to stand unsuccessfully, slumping back down.

"A wo-woman came down from the fourth-floor a-and they wanted me to wake you up for a meeting." he whimpers trying to help me up.

I wince once more before slowly standing to my feet ready to fall again.

I look at him barely able to contain my annoyance, before I laugh deliriously.

"W-what's up with you people and shouting in my ear to wake me up?" I query feeling lightheaded again before moving slowly towards the door still clutching my wound with Yuseong in front of me holding my other hand.

We make it out the door before I slump against the wall, my breath shallow, Yuseong glances at me before taking off down the hall.

I swallow thickly before pushing myself off the wall and dragging myself down the hall.

I lean against the corner of the hallway, eyes closed before I hear footsteps run towards me.

I compose myself before opening my eyes and trying to stand up straight.

Hyunsu grabs my shoulders and leans me against him, he hands me a black hoodie and helps me put it on.

"Everyone was against you getting up but you're the tiebreaker, and everyone is really nervous about this new girl," Hyunsu explains pulling my hand as I drag my feet down the hallway, with each step pain radiates down my spine.

Making it to the daycare where everyone stood in a circle, I collapsed on a chair close to all of them.

Eunhyuk, Jinsu, Jayhun, Dohun, Mr. Ahn, Mr. Han, Hyunsu, and Mrs. Jin-ok looked at me with fear and worry on their faces.

the man wasn't there which confused me a bit but soon i spotted a box in the middle of the room.

"Y-you didn't kill her, then chop her up into little bits and put her in that box now did you? Jeez, I'm gone for a little while and you guys already killed someone." I wheezed jokingly.

they all cracked a smile except for Eunhyuk who looked like he was about to puke.

"So where is this woman that came down? Or is she really in that box?" I snorted deliriously.

jeez my wound didn't hurt this bad last night, this time I got a couple of chuckles but Eunhyuk still looks pale.

"She's in the isolation room, Mr. Pyeon is with her, from what she told us she's from the fourth floor, and-" Hyunsu begins before I interrupted him.

"Chatterbox is with her? He's alone with her?" I question a weird feeling bubbling in my stomach they all look at me weirdly before I stress out, "I mean never mind continue."

"Uh ok, she came down about thirty minutes ago we don't know if she's been having bloody noses or not. Right now the votes are four against four, Mr. Pyeon didn't have an opinion, so you're the deciding vote."

"Should we let her stay outside with everyone else or keep her in the Isolation room until we know she is safe?" Eunhyuk finishes before walking over to me.

I slowly stand to my feet flinching as I get to my full height.

"Can I talk to you Eunhyuk? After that, I'll go talk to her and cast my vote." I assure them limping out of the room with Eunhyuk behind me.

We get to the security room before I turn towards him with raised eyebrows.

"So when's the last time you've eaten or slept or even drank some water?" I query with worried eyes.

"You well there's no nice way to say this but you look like death, I'll make you some good food, and you need to lay down and take a nap jeez."

he opens his mouth to argue but I make unintelligible noises until he closes his mouth and looks at me, his face full of disbelief.

"Dude you really need some food and rest, you're not some robot this whole situation is scary! And it's ok to be scared and nervous, and it's ok to need to take a break. You're still growing, you're still a kid and you've been thrusted into these scary circumstances, with stupid adults and hard decisions." I ramble waving my hands around.

he looks at me with furrowed eyebrows before I open my arms.

"need a hug?" I inquire jokingly.

he looks at me with emotionless features but almost sad eyes, he walks close to me and cautiously wrap his hands around my waist.

he freezes for a moment before relaxing slightly. He puts his chin on top of my head, I wince when he squeezes my shoulders but say nothing.

"Come on I'm going to talk to that woman, and then I will make you something to eat ok?"

He nods and his face goes emotionless once more, I sigh before following him to the isolation room.

He opens the door and I walk inside, allowing my hand to drop from my side before looking around.

Chatterbox leans against the pillar looking at the woman indifferently, the woman was sitting in a teal chair in the middle of the room. She had a face full of fear and looked as white as a sheet.

I walk towards them and the woman glances at me with a wary smile, I send her a tight smile back.

Wook looks at me, worry flashing in his eyes for a split second before his indifferent facade goes back up.

Well, this should be fun.

This chapter is dedicated to @Carrot0-0 ! thank you for the idea !!

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