boobs :D

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Jin's face hardens as her eyes go dark, she twisted her body around as the monster stabbed her in shoulder.

She grabbed its arm before twisting it hard, the monster screeches as she kept twisting until it tore off. A wicked smile appeared on her face, as she ripped its arm out of her leg, and pulled, hard.

She walked up to the monster, her eyes wide with amusement as it tried to scoot away from her.

She stretched her hands out towards its face, the monster stabbing her again and again.

Jin put her hands on either side of its face and smiled. She dug her thumbs into its eyes, not stopping as it ripped at her arms. She pulled, ignoring the disgusting squelch before it's face tore in half.

Everyone who stayed ran into the room, a chill running down their spine. They watched as Jin ripped the monster body in half, grinning widely.


No, this is what you wanted, you wanted to live. You wanted to live that's was your desire. And now you're mine.

NO YOU'RE WRONG, I could care less about my life.

I just needed to survive, and i would have with or without your help. I have no desire to live, i just need to get these kids to safety.

Now if you're not going to give me my true desire, give me my goddamn body back. Now.

That's not how that works— You know what? you're quite strong, mentally at least. I'll let you back, i'll let you save those kids.

But the moment they don't need you, that nobody needs you, you are mine.

Jin freezes as she notices a doppelgänger in front of her, but she was different, the way she held herself was harsher.

her eyes were dark black but hid malice deep within them. She was creeper, she had a huge evil smile on her smooth face. Her brown hair reaching down to her waist.

"Ew you're so creepy looking, do you even moisturize? Come on man, at least take care of my face!" The real Jin groaned as the fake one rolled her eyes.

"Are you kidding? At least i don't have those smile wrinkles, i mean there is no way you could be that happy," the fake one sneered pointing towards the real Jin's face.

Jin gasped loudly before narrowing her eyes.

"Well at least i have pupils!" She shouted turning her back away from the fake one.

She heard fake Jin scoff before Jin started feeling her feet return to the ground.

"Moisturize!" She screeched before she felt herself return back to earth, extremely grossed out at the gunk on her hands.

Jin froze as she felt everyone's eyes on her, she felt her head swim as she headed down the hallway quickly.

She rammed into the bathroom before looking into the mirror. the skin below her nose was red with dried and new blood. She winced as her adrenaline died down and she felt the brunt of her wounds.

Her shoulder and leg screamed in pain. Jin lowered herself onto the ground before the bathroom door banged open, revealing a very worried looking Chatterbox.

(Wook's point of view! ten minutes earlier!)

I walked into the eerily quiet entrance with my bat up, ready to attack at any given moment. A rotten smell which was accompanied by the metallic smell of blood caused my heart to stop in my chest.

Jinthe kids.

without thinking I turned the corner spotting everyone standing around a mutilated monster— including the kids.

"J-Jin?"I stressed before looking towards the children.

I walked towards them not sparing a single glance towards the monster and picked them both up, I handed Suyeong to Hyunsu and Yeongsu to Eunhyuk.

"Take them into the bedroom, I'm going to find Jin," I softly stated before turning back towards Mr. Han. "Where is she?"

Mr. Han didn't say anything but simply stared at the beast, I tensed when I noticed a trail of blood heading down the hallway.

I took off following the trail, I rammed into the bathroom my eyes landing on Jin.

My chest tighten at the sight of my love.

a weak smile appeared on her face as she saw me. I fell to the floor next to her before pulling her into my lap.

I looked over her, she looked up at me and i felt the world stop.

Underneath her nose was dark red, her shirt was drenched in blood and she looked down noticing it too.

"Ha- look at that, doesn't that suck?" she laughed before looking back up.

she stared at me as i touched her shoulder softly.

"You know, you're really handsome," she stated as if it was the only thing she was sure of in the world.

I felt my face burn as i shook my head.

"Stop, we need to dress you wounds," I strained trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably, i froze as i felt her hand on my cheek before looking down at her.

"Can i kiss you?" she whispered smiling softly, I froze and without even thinking about it, nodded.

She pulled my face down before softly placing a kiss on my lips.

I lightly kissed back being careful with her fragile body in my arms. As i felt myself wanting more, i unwillingly pulled away.

(2nd person!)

Both Jin and Wook kept their eyes closed, their foreheads touching while unable to process what had just happened.

Jin opened her eyes first before Wook met hers, she brought her hands to her lips, her heart pounding wildly.

"Now who's trying to jump who's bones?" he smirked, his lips tingling.




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