that's hot 🤭

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As we get to the floor landing the man holds a hand out blocking me from moving forward.

I look at him curiously but he only points towards a woman, wielding a baseball bat.

The woman looks around nervously, eyes wide with terror.

Looking back at the man I gesture to the woman, he just looks at me.

I give him a hard glare, he doesn't move, only giving me a glare back.

I roll my eyes and move towards the girl slowly, trying not to scare her.

unsuccessfully of course as she turns abruptly and screams.

"Hey, HEY it's ok, i'm not a monster!" I shouted, scared that she brought the monster back.

Bringing her baseball bat down she looked at me and then the man.

  "S-sorry there was a woman, she kept banging on the door and-and i didn't know what to do." She stutters looking at me.

   "Move." A deep, husky voice states from behind me, i turn and look at the man in shock.

that was hot.

He moves toward the door and looks at it curiously. Suddenly he punches the door, hard. I look at him in shock and resist the urge to check his hand.

"Not banging, ramming" he states, glancing at the girl. She starts trembling and I move to support her, afraid her legs would give out.

I tense as a breeze of cold air rushes over us. I let go of the trembling woman and cautiously walk over to the broken window. the man closely behind me.

"Did she jump out?" I whisper.

"She'll be back." He gets up to his feet and turns to the guitar woman.

I gaze at him waiting for him to continue talking, but only when he seems to have glued his mouth shut do I speak.

    "The man that just moved in, he fainted downstairs, the monst- the woman was banging on his door before she heard your guitar." I said being careful not to call the woman a monster in front of the already shaken girl.

I turn my body towards the man only to find him already walking down the stairs.

  "Really dude really?" I shouted. the man didn't stop and just walking

I turn back towards the woman.

"You want to come with us? it should be safe, if you wanna grab some of your things i can-" I'm cut off by her jogging down the stairs.

"help you." frustrated, I walked after them both.
  You need to eat love. You haven't eaten in a day and I'm worried.

I rolled my eyes. this day has already been a shit-show and i didn't need her trying to care, making it even worse.
shut up. I don't want to hear you.

    I freeze mid-step waiting for her to make another peep.

But she doesn't and just returns to her cave, waiting.

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