ur mom 😼

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"I've read about how to perform the surgery but I've never actually performed an appendectomy before," Eunhyuk started, rubbing his temple harshly.

Jin grabbed his hand and removed it from his head before handing him some Tylenol that she took earlier from the store counter.

Jisu laid in front of them on a metal table, her eyebrows furrowed in pain on her sickly face.

Jae-heon sat next to her wiping the sweat off her forehead and listening close to what Eunhyuk had to say next.

"Doesn't uh, doesn't that require surgery?" Mr. Han quiered hoping this wasn't as bad as he thought it was.

Eunhyuk nodded wordlessly before placing the tylenol on his tongue and gulping down some water.

"We don't have the stuff here for that- we don't have the tools, a sterile place for it to take place, hell we're placing all of our hopes on this- this kid and me! I'm a caretaker. I've never even stepped foot in an operating room-" Dohun rambled before Jin thankfully interrupted him.

"But this is Jisu, we need to do everything we can, while I'm still here," Jin started before looking towards Eunhyuk who was still rubbing his forehead.

"Eunhyuk, if you want a good chance of helping Jisu, you need to sleep and eat. I can go get the supplies just give me a list of what we need, everyone else can scrub down a room; it might not be sterile but it's the best we can do right now." She concludes.

Hyunsu, Suyeong, Yeongsu and Eunhyuk tried to interject but their words sound like a garbled mess, words tripping over the others.

"Why would you get the supplies? You're in a dangerous position already and why are you talking like you're already gone? what if you turn out there and you can't come back to me?" Wook asked quietly, patting Yeongsu's head lightly who had run over to Wook in an attempt to stop Jin.

"Chatterbox, look around. We don't exactly have the best track record when it come to people changing," Jin laughed lightly but no smile crossed her face.

Eunhyuk shook his head and poked Hyunsu on the shoulder trying to get him to say something.

"What- what if you're like me? What if you're able to stay in control?" Hyunsu asked, glancing towards Jin and then towards Wook with heartbreaking hope.

"What if I'm not like you? What then? Oh honey, we have no idea, there are so many unknowns right now, and I would rather take my chances outside than put any of you in danger." Jin sighed before looking towards Wook who was extremely defeated.

She walked over to him and grabbed his hand, before Hyunsu's voice broke the silence that was settling over them.

"Then i'm coming with you, and this isn't up for discussion- i've killed more monsters than you and i can control my desire," He spoke, Jin's mouth opened and closed struggling to find her words.

All the points he presented were valid, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try and fight them.

"W-wook you have something to say about this right? I mean he can't come with me, no I mean you can't come with me Hyunsu." She finished dropping Wooks hand and taking a slight step back.

"No, she's right kid, you can't go- at least not without me behind you guys," He smirked before fist bumping Hyunsu.

Jin's eye twitched before huffing and looking around for anyone to help her talk some sense into them.

"You know I don't like this new friendship you two have seemed to develop," Jin said irritatedly. "It's like having to deal with two belligerent grandpas."

"Eh? Grandpa's?" Hyunsu questioned, confused by the term.

"I don't know about this guy here but I am a handsome young man in the prime of my life," he scoffed before pretending to toss his hair behind his shoulder sassily.

"You know what- I think Jin might be right about you staying here-," Wook started, staring at Hyunsu with a disgusted face.

"Wait no no, we're both handsome young man in the prime of our lives," He smiled, causing Wook to pushing Hyunsu' head away lightly before grabbing Jin's hand and walking out of the room.

"Wait, we still haven't decided what we're gonna do about Jin," Dohun shouted after the not-a-couple-kinda-a-couple-definitely-gonna-be-a-couple.

Hyunsu merely rolled his eyes and pushed Eunhyuk towards the office with the bed in it.

Jin was right, Eunhyuk needed sleep, and after making sure he was in bed and threatening that if he got out of bed Hyunsu would knock him out- Hyunsu would find him something to eat.

Eunhyuk had to be well-rested and strong for Jisu. Jisu was part of this group and Hyunsu liked having her around, she was pretty cool and he liked hearing her talk about her music.

He glanced at the sleeping Jisu and Jae-heon before shutting the door to the makeshift doctors room. He smirked as he saw how Jae-heon looked at Jisu, they were so cute.

A wave of realization smacked him in the face as he finally shut the door and made a shiver ran down his spine.

Hold on, when did I become Jin? I'm scared.

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