ending one.

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"alright, now we've been presented with a problem— the military's coming," jin started causing the room to burst with confusion.

"wait, what? shouldn't that be a good thing?" Byeong-ll questioned with his eye on Molly, the woman who had slipped out of the room he was supposed to be guarding.

"it should be- but with the military comes complications, we don't know if they have something to differentiate monsters from humans," she stated with a grim face.

"we don't exactly know how much they know about this virus, we don't know what they are doing to those that are infected, we don't know that they will rescue us. for all we know as soon as they see us— they might gun us down," Mr. Han added, backing Jin up.

murmurs spread through the daycare.

"so what are we going to do?" eun-yu questions, pulling her headphones off.

"you guys have a choice, you can stay— or you can leave, i'm gonna leave with the two little ones, you are welcome to leave with us," Jin spoke out, sending silence through the room once more.

Jin stood back from her spot and walked out of the room, letting them discuss among themselves.

a rustling of paper caught her attention, she walked down the hallway towards the window that's newspaper covering was falling off.

just as she was about to put it back up a voice startled her. she turned around facing a very pale Eunhyuk.

"when do you plan on leaving?" eunhyuk questioned, walking out of the daycare and shutting the door behind him.

"as soon as possible, we don't know the exact timing of Molly pressing the button and we can't wait around for the military to show up," she whispered.

"Jin- uh I have something to tell you," he said, he was trembling- his hand shaking as he pushed his glasses up. "I've-"

a loud shot interrupted eunhyuk and hit him square in the head.

he reach for Jin as he fell.

all Jin saw was red.

there was blood, so much blood.

Hyunsu ran down the hallway, his face full of shock and worry.

Jin let out a piercing scream, telling him to stay away.

but he realized too late.

the second shot hit him in the chest.

Jin fell to her knees screaming.

she wait for him to get up.

to open his eyes like he always did.

but this time Hyunsu wouldn't open his eyes.

he wouldn't call out that he was fine.

because the military found a way

a way to kill the monsters.

for good.

Jin moved towards them both before the door at the other end of the hallway bursted open.

dozens of solider flooded the hotel, killing everyone in the daycare in cold blood.

she flinched as Jisu screamed.

Jin watched as Jisu tried to claw her way out of the daycare.

the bullet hit her back before her neck made it past the doorframe.

Jin ran towards the bedroom, the place where Wook and Jae-heon were watching the kids.

she dodge soldiers left and right, her eyes blurring with tears.

but she was too late.

Wook's body was over the two kids limply.

Jae-Heon sat in a chair, with his hand close to his sword as if he was reaching for it.

Su-yeong and Yeong-su, laid underneath Wook's body covered in blood.

Jin trembled as she walked towards them.

"no- no,"

"please wake up, please don't leave me,"

"don't leave me,"

don't leave me

don't leave me




she didn't realize there was someone behind her,

before the bullet hit her head.

ending one.

Only you { a sweet home fanfic }Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz