Wow, you look like shit!

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"Kids? My name is Jin Ae and i'm here with Cha Hyunsu. We are here to help, can you please open the door?" I ask softly.

I hear whispering and whimpers before the door opens showing a little girl with pigtails.

"Can i please come in?" I gently say making sure the girl before me doesn't get any more anxious. She simply nods and moves, allowing me and Hyunsu to pass.

I look around and find a little boy sitting in the middle of the floor, tears running down his face staring at me cautiously. I smile gently before moving slowly towards him.

"Hey my name is Jin Ae and this is Cha Hyunsu. What's your name?" I say delicately.

He looks at his sister before looking back at me.

"My name is yeong su." he says wiping his cheeks.

"And you?" I query tilting my head turning towards the young girl.

"I am suyeong." she said moving towards her brother and bowing her head slightly.

"Can you save him? Our dad?" the boy stutters, I look at Hyunsu before looking back at the kids.

"No bub, your dads- your dads gone." I gingerly state, the faces of the children change from hope to sorrow.

"But he could still be-, i cant- we hate to try." the girl stutters out.

"No honey, he fell very far but i know he would want you to be safe so that's why you have to come with us now." I say crouching down, "please come with us. I know you guys are hungry, there is a man on the 14th floor with lots of food."

I stand back up before the other kids stand up, wiping their tears.

"There is a monster around here that can hear really well, he's missing the top of his head. So if for any reason we get separated or we see him i need you guys to be really quiet and hold your breath ok?" Hyunsu asks, the children both nod and I put my hand on the door handle, ear on the door listening closely for any movement.

I glance at Hyunsu waiting for him to get ready, when I feel a little hand grip my fingers tightly. I look down and see yeong su trembling slightly looking up at me.

"Don't worry, we will be fine i promise." I reassure him softly.

Opening the door a crack I peered out making sure it was clear. Still holding the little boy's hand I walk toward the stairwell door and open it heading inside.

We make it to the second flight before a loud beep erupts from the earbud making me and Hyunsu rip it out of our ear.

I look back at Hyunsu and gasp slightly at the sight. Blood pouring down his nose and his eyes pitch black no white visible.

Banging on the door makes me tear my eyes away from him and look towards the door, a huge towering monster looking at us with murderous intent stands breaking down the wall.

Don't stand there move! I scream at myself, pushing the children in front of me.

"GO!" Hyunsu screams, the monster still banging getting closer and closer. I grab hyunsu and push him hard toward the children.

Only you { a sweet home fanfic }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon