Gone gone gone gone

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Jin watched silently as Wook grabbed their weapons from Mr. Han's workstation.

He grabbed her hand again pulling her towards the bedroom making Jin winced slightly- the old stitches in her side poking into her.

She watched as he grabbed some suitcases from the ground of the bedroom and ruffle through them before pulling out a shirt and some new black jeans.

"Uh, i think those are your size," he whispered, moving quickly before handing them to her.

Jin grabbed them hesitantly before looking up at Wook.

"So- are we gonna talk about it?" she questioned, causing her eyes to find the ground.

Wook cleared his throat before turning around and looking away for Jin to change.

"Are you going to answer?"

"I don't really know what to say-" he said his voice at a whisper. Jin pulled off her shirt wincing slightly at the soreness of her arms.

"Well we kissed- and i like you so there that," Jin stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Jin pulled on her shirt before stopping.

"But- but I'm probably going to gone soon."


Wook's POV:

She talked like she was already gone.


Jin's POV:

I was already gone.

The monster said I have until nobody needs me anymore.
And I can't take that chance.

If i hurt someone, if I hurt one of the kids
or Jisu and Jae-heon
or Wook.

I wouldn't be able to live anymore.
i wouldn't make it.


Wook's POV:

She wasn't gone yet. She wouldn't leave.
She had to stay.

She couldn't leave the kids, Jisu, Jae-Heon.
She couldn't leave me.


The silence was stifling as each of them screamed at each other mentally to say something. To say anything.

Jin's eyes were still on the floor as she slipped on the pants.

and when she finally gained the courage to look up, her eyes met nothing

but air.


Only you { a sweet home fanfic }Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat