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(back to my love Jin)

But i mean that peace didn't last long, as soon as the Jae-Heon finished his food the lights shut off leaving them in utter darkness.

I scooted more towards chatterbox as my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, i hear Eunhyuk from my left shout out.

"Everyone if you can, try and head to the daycare, there are a few candles in there."

I feel Hyunsu grab my arm from my right holding it tightly slightly shaking, grab his hand and squeeze it in reassurance before i squeeze Wooks hand tightly.

I feel hands on my shoulder causing me to yelp and jump slightly.

"it's fine it's me," Eunhyuk lightly snorts.

i scoff my eyes still trying to adjust to the darkness, there was little light coming through the windows because of the newspaper that were glued on there.

"Hyunsu and Jinsu hold hands, Jinsu grab Jae-Heon, we have to get to the daycare before everyone gets sent into a panic," i state thinking back to the two sleeping kids, a lot can happen in the dark.

Well did you lock the door?

shit no i don't think i did.

Go get them. quickly.

My voice screams inside of my head as I rack my brain trying to remember if i lock the door as Jae-Heon leads us out of the store.

We barely get to the daycare before i take off feeling my way down the hallway, everyone yelling at me from behind. I hold the walls my side aching slightly, my heart beating out off my chest.

Please be ok, please be ok.
I finally get to the room before i push it open quickly, Suyeongs snores hitch before becoming even once more and Yeongsu sits up, my eyes try and adjust quickly as i run toward them.

"Why- why is it so dark, who- who are you, i will scream and Jin will come and beat you up, so don't come any-any closer." He says breathing in and out deeply.

i raise my hands up before i almost collapse from relief.

"It's me, it's me, the power shut off and i didnt want you to wake up alone in the darkness,"

You mean you didn't want anything to happen to them.
I shake my head quickly trying to get rid off the bad thoughts that were taking over my head before walking closer to the bed.

I gently nudge Suyeong before she shoots up her hands ready to fight.

"Whoa, whoa it's ok, it's me. We ran out of power so we have to go to the daycare." i ramble pulling her arms down.

i feel hands clasp down on my shoulders before i flip around and punch them hard.

"Ow." Wook says plainly not even flinching.

i breathe in deeply before letting out a nervous laugh.

"haha, sorry." I say looking down at the ground.

Wook doesn't say anything but grabs Yeongsu out of bed and gestures towards me to do the same.

The room was now filled with dim light as Wook teared down a piece of newspaper, still carrying the half-asleep boy in his arms.

Suyeong wraps her arms around my neck as i pick her up, a dull pain rattling through my bones as she rests her legs on my hips.

I wince before walking out Wook close behind me, he grips my shoulder as i guide us down the hall back towards the daycare.

We finally walk in as the faint murmurs stopped, the crowd watching us place the two sleeping kids on individual mattress and cover them with blankets.

The room was dimly lit causing everyone's faces to be barely seen, I turn towards the right before three elephants crash into me hugging me tightly.

    "You asshole, you scared us! You didn't even talk to any of us!" Jinsu yelled pulling away first, Eunhyuk hugs my side as Hyunsu squeezes my other side being careful of my wound.

      "You just took off! You know how scary that was! Tell us where you're going! We'll go too," Hyunsu screeches causing Suyeong to stir slightly, Eunhyuk says nothing but hugs me tighter.

     "It's ok, i'm ok. I just didn't want anything to happen to the kids, waking up alone in darkness isn't fun." I spoke slightly remember how horrible it is to be alone.

     "it sounds like you speak from experience," an unfamiliar voice rings out, we all turn towards the source before my eyebrows narrows

     "Molly," I spit out sweetly, i stare as she grabs Wook's arm, smiling poisonously towards me.

my mouth gapes open as i realize how fast her personality changed. Wook rips his arm out of her hands and walks over to me wrapping a hand around my waist.

i fight a wide smile before Byeong-ll runs.

"the girls gone, the girls gone, i went to pee and she got out, she's gon- oh well, shit." he shouts before spotting Molly who was scowling in front of us.

I turn towards her before glancing at Eunhyuk who was glaring at her.

The two kids stir again but don't open their eyes thankfully.

Eun-Yu— Eunhyuk's sister— pulls her headphones on again rolling her eyes.

A snort escapes my mouth as I stare at the girl who was oblivious to the world. The lights above them flickered before shutting off again completely.

"well time to sort this mess out."

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