frick people man

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Wook was the first to his feet, causing Jin to jump up as well. Molly quietly backed away from the entrance and put her hands in her pocket.

She felt a button that would save her- but forced herself to move her hand.

"What the fuck was that?" Jin whispered, bringing the two little ones behind her and eyeing the cafeteria door.

"No clue, we should probably go check though," Wook said, he looked down at Yeongsu and sighed before grabbing his outstretched hand.

"Well- uh ladies first," Jae-heon smiled before Wook smacked him in the arm and pushed past them, still holding onto Yeongsu's hand.

"God don't be a man," Jin huffed before walking after Wook, holding Suyeong's hand who stuck her tongue out at Jae-Heon. Eunhyuk walked after Jin with Hyunsu close behind him, his tongue sticking out as well.

Jin fought against a gasp when she saw a car crashed into the entrance of the building. She covered her mouth with her free hand and backed away from the car pulling Wook and Yeongsu back as well.

They hid behind a wall, with Eunhyuk, Hyunsu and Jae-Heon on the other side of them. They watched carefully as men filed out of the car. Wook and Jin looked at each other quickly before glancing towards a large air duct.

Jin nodded, pulling the two kids towards it and putting a finger to her mouth.

"It's going to be okay, I promise- but for now I need you to stay in this spot okay? Don't make a sound and don't come out until me or Wook come and get you." Jin said, placing the yeongsu on her shoulders and making sure he was safe before grabbing Suyeong.

The two children fought against tears as they moved back- allowing Jin to place the vent back in front of them.

"It'll be okay," Jin reassured them for a final time before getting back to her place on the wall.

Wook grabbed her hand and breathed deeply, this wasn't good and Wook was having a hard time keeping himself focused.

Jin looked towards Wook with concerned eyes and inhaled deeply, instructing Wook to do the same. Wook closed his eyes and focused hard on his breathing.


And in that moment everything became clear. Wook breathed deeply, only focusing on that nickname, that stupid nickname that he had come to love so goddamn much. He thought of the day they had first met, the day everything had changed for him.

How could he love this woman- How could he love anyone as much as he loved her? He love her, he would do anything for her, he would die for her- kill for her. Anything she instructed- would be his will and it would be done.

Jin smiled at Wook as his breathing began to even out, she placed her head on the wall once more and closed her eyes. Wook opened his eyes and looked at her. He glanced towards the other three men on the other side of the wall and nodded. He looked directly at Jae-Heon and mouthed- Jisu.

Jae-Heon nodded in understanding before quietly moving in the direction of the temporary surgical room. He gestured towards Eunhyuk and Hyunsu to follow him, only to have Hyunsu be spotted by the men.

"Not so fast, get the hell over here kid, you guys too, in the daycare- yeah I see you, get out here," The man in the middle grunted, Jin flinched as Hyunsu stood up straight and turn towards the men.

Wook held her back- stopping her barely from following after him. Eunhyuk watched as well, before closing his eyes and huffing.

He stood up and followed after Hyunsu, eyeing the men carefully. Jin watched as everyone from the daycare and office filed into the entrance.

She watched as the men Instructed them to stay in a circle and if anyone moved they would suffer the consequences.

Wook pulled her away from the scene and deeper into the building after hearing the man in charge instruct his lackeys to spread out into the building.

Jin took one last look at the people in the middle of the entrance and the air duct before letting Wook pull her away.

Her mind was racing, what could they do? Those men had guns- they had the jump on them- there were so many.

Wook pulled Jin behind another wall and held his breath as a lackey came close to them.

That was before they saw Mr. Ahn.

Mr. Ahn distracted the men, insulting their pig-like faces. Mr. Ahn caused the two men to move away from herself and Wook, allowing them to move further into the building.

The pair ran towards the store again, Jin grabbing her pickaxe and Wook grabbing his axe. Jin looked towards Molly who was hiding in the corner of the room, and clicked her tongue before moving towards her.

"Molly- Molly we need to go- we need to go now, come one," she said, grabbing Molly's arm and trying to pull her up. Molly only whimpered and curled into an even tighter ball.

Jin huffed before leaving the store, pulling Wook behind her. She locked the door tightly behind her, making sure no one could get in from the outside without a great amount of force.

She flinched hearing a gunshot and took a step towards the entrance when she spotted.

"No, we have to stay hidden," Wook said, pulling her back.

Jin swallowed thickly, Hyunsu and Eunhyuk knew what they were doing. They knew how to handle situations, they were grown and if she left to go help them, she would probably make things worse.

She bit into her inner cheek, grabbing Wook's hand and hoping nothing happened to her kids.

"They are okay Jin, I promise you- they know what to do," Wook whispered, squeezing Jin's hand reassuringly. "Those kids, they are strong."

Jin was about to respond when Hyunsu walked past them with a group of gangsters, the leader walking behind the group.

Jin looked at Wook, exasperated.

He can handle himself, my sweet ass.

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