what in the motherfuck?

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"Hyunsu, Hyunsu wake up!" I softly said, pushing on his arm. he stirred quietly before lifting his head and stretching his limbs.

"Anything hurt?" I said tilting my head eyeing his abdomen. He shook his head, slightly disoriented.

"Those kids! How long have I been asleep?" he looked at me anxious before hopping to his feet. "We have to go, are you done, Mr. Han?"

"It's only been about 45 minutes, we're leaving right now." I say crossing my arms over my chest and turning my body towards Mr. Han.

Turning on Hyunsu's weapon causes the kitchen knife to crackle with electricity, making Hyunsu jump slightly. Mr. Han explains what he did to our weapons or suicide tools as he so kindly put it.

"They still move around with their heads chopped off. A kitchen knife won't do the job,  but this will do," he says admiring his work.

"You think- I can kill them with that thing?" He whispers slowly. Mr. Han looks at him eyebrows furrowed.

"No, you can't." He states that's weird, that suspicious.

How does this man know so much? I was about to start interrogating him when Hyunsu beats me to it.

       "How do you know all of this?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.

"I just know." Mr. Han says dismissively,

He hands me my pickaxe and explains that mine has a stronger metal, and is sharper.

It also electrocutes but I can only do it 3 times before the risk of overloading the metal comes into play.

"If you come across one avoid it at all costs, if one does happen to catch you run—don't let it catch you in the first place." He says adamantly.

"Thank you, Mr. Han." I bow slightly in thanks and turn towards the door with Hyunsu behind me.

"Be careful and come back with the children. I can imagine they are hungry." He utters, pulling the string to open the door causing me to remove my hand.

I nod silently and put an earbud in my ear, looking back at Hyunsu. I grip my pick tightly and walk towards the stairs with Hyunsu on my heels.

We walk down in silence with the occasional wheeze from me, I really need to work out more.

once— I need to work out once.

we get to the 12th floor and open the door that leads to the landing walking in looking for the apartment number.

A sudden beep in my ear makes me pull the earphone out and pull Hyunsu into a slightly open elevator.

We both hold our breath on either side of the elevator door as a monster with the top half of his head walks past us grumbling about not being able to see.

I bring my thumb up to my mouth, chewing the already short nail until I can taste the metallic liquid in my mouth.

The monster walks past us and I breathe out quietly in relief when it hits me a horrid smell.

I look around for the source until I see a plastic white box filled with rotting fish, when the flies buzz from being disturbed I hear the monster come shuffling back.

"I hear- you" the monster gargles walking back toward the elevator, I hold my breath hoping he walks right past us.

But you know I was a cold bowl of soup for thinking that for once in my miserable life things would work out.

The monster's hand shoots out and lands in the rotting fish bin, Hyunsu looks at me and I nod. He stabs the monster in the chest and I stab him in the back electrocuting him.

Slipping past him, Hyunsu grabs my hand and drags me behind him as he sprints down the hallway.

I look back and I see the monster preparing to shoot his hand out once more, I push the male in front of me past the corner just as the monster shoots his hand out.

One of the many spikes hits my cheek, leaving a large and deep gash.

Fucking asshole— I DONT NEED ANOTHER ONE

Hyunsu pushes me back and grabs two bounce balls chucking them in the direction of the monster. As the monster tries to find the source of the noise, Hyunsu stands to his feet and runs at the monster stabbing him in the back electrocuting him.

I swear I can hear the rock music now, the monster falls to the ground with a thud. Hyunsu runs back to me with a grin on his face.

"Did you see that!? That was so cool-" he stops when he sees the look on my face, eye twitching, mouth in a deep frown.

"Yes, that was so cool," I say with a sickly sweet smile, dropping the facade, I punch him in the arm.


"But I didn't and I looked badass doing it," he says with a sheepish smile, my eye twitching again I turn.

"Let's just get to the kids before I kill you," I say putting an earbud in my ear giving him a death glare.

He walks next to me, a goofy smile on his face wide across his face.

"I still think I was pretty cool," he says running in front of me to avoid another arm punch.

I look back down the hall towards the monster, his body still twitching and his ear still moving. grossed out I run after Hyunsu.

what in the motherfuck was that?

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