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We all sat on the grass, watching as the remaining of the bodies were buried, their own headstone, while others crossed names off the wall.

We couldn't stay here, we couldn't live in this place where the grievers would come back repeatedly.

No one had spoke to eachother the whole day, chucks death hit everyone hard.. not to mention the deaths of others... including Clint.. zart..

I feel like this was my fault..

If I hadn't been messing around with gally in that treehouse then none of this would of happened.. I could've helped maybe? I could protected Chuck.

"Howre you doing" Gally whispers to me, his arm starting to drape over me. I shake it off, I didn't want to talk to anyone, touch anyone, I didn't want my emotions to come back.

Gally ignores my hints, he hugs me, pulling me closer and I start to panic.

This was my fault.

All my fault, I can't do it, I can't handle it.

"Get off me, please, stop, please" my pleads were heard loud and clear throughout everyone.

I begin to cry, I begin to shake, nothing was ok anymore, no where was safe.

"Shh you're ok, you're ok I promise" Gally reassures me as I sob into his chest, I could hear the murmurs of saddened gladers around me.

"Is she ok?"
"Will she be alright?"
"Does she need some time alone?"

Questions were flying amongst them all as they worried about me.
Hours go by and I was helping Minho pack the weapons, we were leaving, all of us finally leaving, getting out of this maze and safe.

Minho and Thomas were going to tell us about how they had found a way out, but they didn't get the chance.

The silence between me and Minho was deafening , I was tired and hurt. "You know how to use this?" Minho asks, holding a knife towards me.

"Of course I know how to use it" I grab it from his hands and slip it into the knife holster in my boot, keeping it safe for when I needed it.

"Ooo ok then princess, and do you know how to use this?" Minho holds out a gun this time, it looked like a glock but I could've been wrong.

I shrug my shoulders, did I know how to use it? Couldn't be that hard surely?

I take the gun from his hand, almost dropping it due to the weight. "Careful, you don't want to end up accidentally shooting one of us" he laughs, lightening the mood a little as I felt a smile tug at my lips.

I hold it up, pointing it forwards past Minho. He adjusts the way I'm holding it and teaches me what to do if I need to fire.

"It's almost sundown, are you ready?" Newt pops his head around the door, peering at the both of us as we finish packing.

"All done" I sigh, brushing off my clothes. "Has Thomas packed the water? And what about you? Have you packed the food" I ask, zipping up the backpack and throwing it on.

"Everything's sorted, we're just waiting by the doors, we need to get as many people on board as possible, especially Gally" newt says quietly.

"Gally? He won't be a problem, it'll be fine he'll come with us" I laugh it off, are they stupid? Gally wouldn't risk us to the grievers.

As I leave the map room, a crowd of people were gathering by the doors, I could hear yelling and commotion. I rush over as quickly as I can, hoping it wasn't Gally in trouble.

I push my way to the front to see Gally and Thomas arguing with eachother, for fuck sake! Really!.

I drop my bag and try to get between them. "You're not taking her with you! She's staying with me! It's too dangerous" Gally was screaming at Thomas, his fists clenched.

"It's not your choice! She doesn't want to stay here Gally.. don't you get that? She doesn't feel safe" Thomas lowers his voice as I approach closer to them.

Gally turns to face me, the crowd had now backed off so it was just us three standing there while they all watched.

"Is that true? You want to leave?" Gally's eyes were now filled with hurt, he seemed so upset that I didn't want to stay.

"Come with us Gally? It's not safe anymore and I don't want to leave you" I try to step closer but he backs away. He walks to the other half of the crowd before announcing himself.

"Anyone who wants to leave, go over to the doors". There's a few minutes of silent before a few people head over to us by the doors, they mutter an apology while walking past Gally.

The glade had now split in half, me n Thomas n others by the doors and Gally with the builders in the glade.

I didn't want to leave him.. I couldn't? But it wasn't safe here.. why couldn't he see that. Every moment he glared at me with daggers in his eyes, my heart broke a little more, I loved him so much.

"Is this it then y/n? You choose them over me?" Gally's voice cracked when he spoke, he sounded devastated.

"Gally please, it's not safe.. just come with us? I beg you.." a single tear fell from my cheek, he just shook his head in disbelief.

"Please" I beg, but he turns away from me, he didn't want to see me sad, it broke him in a way and I could tell.

I feel a tight grip on my shoulder. It was newt.

"Come on y/n it's sundown, we have to go" newt smiles reassuringly as everyone gets ready to leave the glade.

This was it.. I was leaving the only place I knew as home. The only people I knew as family.

And the only person I loved the most.

I give Gally one last look.

"I love you" I mouth, wiping my eyes before setting to leave.

We ran through the doors..

This was it, we were finally leaving this place.

I had left it all, and it breaks my heart.

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