Rise and shine✨

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A/n, I hope you've alll enjoyed this story, please don't forget to check out my other mazerunner stories as well as Harry Potter!Xx

A wave of nausea rushes through my body as I try to stand to my feet.. it was freezing, and pitch black. The strains of metal chains screeching across the floor rung through my ears as I tried to stand to my feet yet again.

My eyes begin to adjust, focusing on the only thing I could see, boxes.. stacked upon eachother, the one at the bottom making some weird growling noises.

I crouch down onto my knees, edging closer and peering into the box out of curiosity. My eyes grow wide at the sound of inhumane howling, I scream, throwing myself back as far as possible.

I place my hand over my heart, feeling my heart beat slow itself down again as I caught my breath. I decide to stay sat down, huddled into a ball with red flashes of lights being my own source to see things.

I'm terrified, my thoughts begin to consume me as I realise I cannot remember anything.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What's happening?

Questions flood my mind as the box I appeared to be in comes to halt, nearly throwing me to the side against the walls.

"Hello?" I shout, hearing only my own echo, repeating the words back to me.

A loud clanging noise distracts me, a blinding light shining down on me. I squint furiously, trying to adjust my eyes to my new surroundings.

Inaudible whispering happens above me, some were louder than others, but I still couldn't make out what was being said.

I move my hand up to my eyes, covering the light that I couldn't seem to adjust too.. almost like my eyes hadn't seen sunshine that bright in months.

"For goodness sake newt, who is it?" A boy calls out, his voice was deep and he seemed rather agitated.

I open my eyes my clearly to see a bunch of faces staring down at me, boys.. all boys?

A tall lanky boy with blonde hair jumps down, shuffling his way closer to me. Out of fear, I slide myself further back, realising there wasn't anymore room for me to move.

"Hey.. hey it's ok, you're ok, don't worry about it" his accent was British, his brown eyes looked me up and down before turning back to face everyone else.

"It's a girl, alby I'm going to need rope" he sighs, looking over to a dark skinned man who was hovering over us.

"You got it newt" he replies, handing him down some rope. From what I've gathered, the boy next to me was newt, and the dark skinned man above me was named alby.. but what about me? What's my name?.

As alby lowered down some rope, newt tied it into a knot, slipping one foot inside and extending his hand out to mine. I hesitate to take it, unsure wether I was going to be safe.

"Well, we need to get you out of here somehow" newt laughs, gesturing for me to take his hand.

I decide that it's best if I just take it, I didn't want to be in this box with that thing any longer.

The boys above hoist us to the top, while newt had his arm gripped tightly around my waist to ensure I don't fall or anything.

Once reaching the top he lets go, I brush my clothes down and look back up, everyone was staring and it made me nervous.

"A girl.. she's pretty"

"How old do you think she is?"

"You think she remembers her name?"

Questions were flying around the boys, I could hear everything.. it was almost like they wanted me too hear.

"Alright that's enough people, get back to work and give the girl some space" a boy calls out, walking towards me as he did so.

"Alright greenie, I'm gally" he holds out his hand to meet mine, something about him made me feel welcome.. safe almost.

He had very short hair, emerald coloured eyes and was wearing similar scruffs as everyone else.

"I'm-" I stop mid sentence, realising that I didn't actually know my name, I scrunch my face up in confusion.

Gally must've noticed as he begun to laugh at me, causing my cheeks to glow a crimson colour of red. "Don't worry about it greenie, you'll remember it soon" he smiles, walking off towards a group of boys.

"So now that you've met gally, this is newt, and I'm alby" the dark skinned man introduces me to newt and himself, I smile lightly, feeling kind of safe.

"And where am I?" I ask, my eyes scanning the place stopping at big stone walls on the outskirts, they must've been about 100ft high. Vines draped over the walls, intertwining with eachother.

"This? This is the glade"

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