Back on track

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About a month has passed, gally is still ignoring me and I have no clue why, but I'm fed up.. I'm not going to stand for this anymore.

I get up from the bed, storming out of the bedroom and out of the homestead, into the glade. I March my way over to gally, my anger has been building up over the weeks, I had my time to be sad.. and now I'm angry.

"Gally!" I call out, making my way over to him. He was laughing with a few of his builder friends, having a good time. He turns to face me, his smile immediately dropping from his face.

His friends take the hint, leaving me and Gally alone with eachother. I grab his arm, dragging him away and toward the deadheads.

"Y/n what the shuck is your problem, let me go" he growls, yanking his arm out of my grip.

"My problem?" I question, shocked to why he had such an attitude with me.

"My problem!!" I repeat, my angry this time.

"Well, my problem is you!, why have you been ignoring me? Did I upset you? Have I done something wrong?" I ask, my anger starting to turn to sadness, why the fuck was I such a baby about things?.

"No it's-" he sighs, coming closer, "it's not you I promise" he tells me, his hands resting on my shoulders.

"Then what is it?" I ask him, feeling very confused.

"I just thought, If I found an excuse to push you away, I wouldn't hurt you.. I thought I was doing the right thing..seems I did more harm than good" he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

Really? This is why he's been ignoring me? I can't believe this, how ridiculous.

"You completely ignored me for weeks! I like you Gally! Really like you, and it hurts that you're pushing me away for something so stupid!" I sigh, my tone of voice dropping dramatically while I spoke.

"I know, and I'm sorry.." he tells me, sorry?.. did Gally just apologise to me.. an apology from Gally.. wow, he must really feel bad.

I didn't say anything, I was in shock from what he had just said, and it was clear he could see it.

He just pulls me into a hug, his hand stroking through my hair.

I snuggle closer into the crook of his neck, breathing in his essence.

It felt nice to finally talk to gally, it felt nice to just be with him again, I really missed him.

"Right shank, now that we're all good, get your ass inside for dinner" Gally laughs, pushing me forwards and out of the deadheads.

At least this whole thing didn't last longer than a month.

I walk into the homestead with a smile on my face, everything was going just as I had hoped.

I walk over to the lunch table, gally following behind. "Y/n.. why is Gally sitting with us?" Chuck questions, pulling a face at him.

He stops when I death stare him, "because he is, just leave it ok?" I say, sitting down next to him.

Gally sits next to me, feeling rather awkward after what Chuck had just said.

I decide to change the subject, "so where's Minho and Thomas?, back out into the maze again?" I ask newt, watching as he stops eating to look at me.

"Yeah, they still haven't found anything.. but they're trying, they've taken alby with them for luck today" newt smiles, swallowing another mouthful of soup.

I nod my head in response, noticing that most of the boys were piling out of the kitchen in a hurry. I stand to my feet, looking at the boys around me in confusion, "what's going on? What's happening".

They all just shrug their shoulders in unison, all of us hurrying out of the door.

We notice the boys crowding around the maze doors, all looking worried. We run over, pushing past the crowd to see what was going on. "Look!" Chuck shouts, pointing towards three figures emerging from the darkness.. alby, Minho and Thomas.

Minho and Thomas were hurt, struggling to carry alby who was unconscious through the corridors. I start to panic, the ground was shaking beneath me as the doors grumbled, shifting towards eachother as they begin to shut.

"They're not going to make it" my voice breathily shaking. Gally slips his hand in mine his fingers intertwine, giving my hand a squeeze to show me it's ok.

"Leave him!!"

"You're not going to make it!"

"Boys you have to leave alby!"

Everyone was shouting things at them, not helping at all.

They drop alby, looking up at us one last time before the doors completely close.

This was it.. they're gonna die.. they're not going to make it..

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