"And youre drunk"

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"Gally, I get the idea.. but do you have to cover my eyes?" I laugh, trying not to trip over anything while he walked me to somewhere in the glade.

"I didn't have a blindfold, so yes I have to use something as a substitute" he explains, one hand over my eyes and the other hovering around my waist just in case I fall over.

"Are we there yet?" I whinge, feeling the cold breeze brush against my skin. "Yes.. now we're here" he tells me, uncovering my eyes slowly.

My eyes stare in awe, everyone was gathered around in a semi circle, half lit spears gripped tightly into their hands, alby stood at the front.

"To officially welcome our new greenie, I declare this bonfire.. STARTED!!" Alby cheers and the others soon follow, a smile was engraved on my face.

They threw the spears onto a mountain pile of sticks, I watch as it roars up in flames, everyone clapped for me.

"Greenie!, over here!! You've got to try this drink" Thomas exclaims, dragging me over to newt and that buffed up Asian. "Hey! I'm minho" the boy says, looking me up and down.

"I know, we met" I shout over the loud blaring of music, he just shrugs his shoulders, handing me a drink.

A yellowy liquid swished around in a glass jar, it looked awful. "It's gally's recipe, it's good you should try it" newt laughs, clinking his glass to mine as he took a big gulp. I lift it up to my mouth, smelling it slightly before taking a overestimated sip.

It started to burn as it trickled down my throat, I scrunch my face up in disgust, carrying on. "Ok that's enough, you boys are a bad influence" gally takes the drink out of my hand, drinking the rest of it himself.

"Lighten up a little gally, it's her first day" Thomas sighs, gally glares at him before walking away. "Don't worry about it, he's always moody" Minho assures me, patting my shoulder gently and walking off too.

"Minhos the keeper of the runners" Thomas says, handing me another drink. I sip it slowly, walking with him to somewhere else. "That's winston, keeper of the slicers" he points to a lightskin boy, hanging out in a group.

"Obviously you know gally, keeper of builders" he explains, moving forwards. Gally looks at me, catching my eye for a second before looking back down.

"So, have you had a good day?" Thomas asks me , sitting down on a log and I sit next to him.

"Yeah it's been alright, gally showed me the room, offered to sleep on the floor too" I explain, taking another sip of my drink.

"That's weird, never thought gally would've done that, he usually hates every new greenie, he hated me when I arrived" he sounded confused.

If gally hated every new arrival, then why has he been semi nice to me?, I mean he's had a bit of an attitude but he's changed up a little.

"Thomas!" A boy pulls us away from the convo, I look to see a small chubby boy jogging towards us, he looked about 12 with brown curly hair and brown eyes.

He pants out of breath a little, "is this the new greenie! Hi! I'm Chuck, it's so good to meet you, are you enjoying it? Have you eaten" he shouts over the music. "Wait!, have you wrote your name on the wall!" He gasps, beginning to grab my hands and drag me to my feet. "I don't know my name yet" I laugh and he stops with embarrassment.

"Oh.. sorry.. I just-" he gets interrupted as I get thrown to the floor, the wind being knocked out of me.

"Hey what the fuck gally" Thomas shouts, helping me to my feet. My vision goes a little blurry, I grab onto the nearest person for support. "Y/n" I whisper.., the boys continued to argue, "you wanna go Thomas? Remember what happened last time?" Gally gets into Thomas' face, shouting at him.

"Y/n" I say more loudly, "my name it's y/n" I say with pride, looking at everyone beginning to calm down. "Well, cheers to you y/n!!" Minho cheers, raising his glass in the air, others following shortly.

"Well, now you can write your name on the wall" Chuck beams, grabbing my hands and dragging me over to one of the stone walls I had seen earlier that day.

He hands me a knife with a smile on his face, I turn to face the walls, my eyes scanning the names profusely. The names that catch my eye the most are the ones with the lines drawn across them, my fingers skim them lightly.

I read the names in my mind, 'George, nick'.. I stop when I realise they are the names of the fallen. My eyes retract back to the other names, 'gally, Minho, newt, Thomas..' and a few others.

I take the knife and begin to carve my name, once I'm finished I take a step back, admiring how my name fitted perfectly with the others.

"And done" I smile, handing him back the knife.

15 minutes later I sit back with the boys, watching as gally was in the fighting circle with another boy. Thomas explained to me that people fight in the circle for fun, which confused me as one of the rules was that they weren't allowed to fight eachother.

Chuck comes over and sits next to me, a drink in his hand. "Surely you're not allowed to drink" I giggle, taking the drink out of his hand and almost chugging the whole thing. "Woah y/n, everything ok" he asks, looking at me worryingly.

"Just my thoughts catching up to me" I chuckle, feeling a little drunk from the amount I had drunk tonight. "Maybe you should go to bed, I'll get someone to escort you, hold on" he  quickly runs off to go and get someone.

After a few minutes no one is here, and I start to feel a little more tipsy, I decide to try and take myself to bed.

I get up slowly, feeling a little dizzy as I stand up. "Woah, y/n, feeling a bit dizzy are we" Minho comes over to help me, grabbing my arm and wrapping it around me to help me stand up.

"Have I everrrr told you your hair looks so shiny" I laugh, my words a little slurry.

"Alright, you're so drunk, but thank you" he winks at me, helping me move along. "Gally!" Minho shouts, ushering him over.

"What is it, I'm kind of- y/n.. are you drunk?" Gally asks, grabbing my other arm and draping it around his shoulder.

"No I'm- I'm so not.. you know your eyebrows? Look like little ticks" I say, mimicking the sound of ticks. "Yeah yeah" Gally sighs, "you can go Minho, I'll take her to bed" he tells him, watching  as Minho disappears back with the others.

The walls begin to grumble, making the whole glade shudder with their loud groans. "Woahhhh, I'm shaking.. the ground.. shakingggg" I sing, laughing away.

"Alright everyone, lights out, it's time for bed" alby shouts, the fire being burned out.

"I can't keep carrying you like this, come here" Gally picks me up bridal style as I start to laugh louder. "You have muscles, strongggg, picking me up like I'm a feather" I sing again, continuing to laugh.

"Can you just zip it? I'm trying to take you up the stairs" he sighs, I could tell he was getting annoyed.

He swings open the room door, laying me down carefully as he untied my shoe laces. "Hell of a first day greenie, getting drunk on the first night?" He laughs to himself as he put my shoes onto the floor.

He tucks me in, turning off the light and laying down into his sleeping bag.

"Thank youuu" I say, rolling over and closing my eyes gently, my head spinning rapidly. "Go to sleep y/n, I'm tired" he groans.

I decide to try to sleep.. feeling the darkness consume me.

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