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After breakfast I get started on my job almost straight away, I wanted to get the day over and done with as soon as possible.

About 30 minutes into working, an alarm goes off, a similar one to what I've heard before.. the box?.

The boys look at me confused, "is that the box?" I ask, calculating that I had been here for about a week at most, having 3 more weeks until the next greenie is originally supposed to arrive.

I drop what I'm doing, running out the medjack hut and towards the box with the others. As the alarm stops ringing, gally opens the box door, jumping in to see a boy, hovered into the corner, terrified.

He looked a little older than Chuck, but younger than us for sure. I lower down a rope to gally, he slips his foot through it, helping the greenie up to the top.

He stands in his place, avoiding everyone's eye contact. "Where am I? Who are you people.. why can't I remember anything" he asks, sounding confused.

No one seemed to answer him, alby was in a meeting with a few other council members, surely they would've heard the alarm and come down already?.

The boy started to get frantic to anyone who came close to him, threatening to lash out if we didn't back off from him.

I decide to take my chances, getting closer to him as Gally grabs my arm and drags me back. "Be careful, I don't want him hurting you" he tells me, still having hold of my arm.

I shake my arm out of his grip, yet again getting closer to the boy. "Hey it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you.. we're not going to hurt you" I assure him, watching as he calms down just a little.

"Do you remember your name?" I ask him, he nods his head in response.

"It's Jacob.., my name is Jacob" he tells me, lightening up a bit.

"That's great, you remember more than I did when I arrived.. just calm down ok?" I step closer to him but he thrashes his arms around like a child.

Gally pulls me back to avoid me getting hit, his arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to his body.

"Woah woah mate, just calm down yeah" newt comes rushing over with alby, Thomas and Minho, all gathered together to calm down the new greenie.

Jacob lashes out, trying to punch newt, only for me to get in the way and ending up getting punched. I fall backwards but Gally catches me before I hit the floor.

"Grab him" alby shouts, watching as Jacob makes a run for the stone walls, Thomas chases after him, tackling him to the ground almost immediately.

"Shit, y/n why did you get in the way? Are you ok" Gally grabs my face, examining the mark under my eyes.

"I'm fine, I promise.. just go help out" I smile, gally agrees, helping the boys carry Jacob to the pit.

Fucksake, leave it to me to always get involved and nearly get knocked the fuck out.
Hours go by and my day is finished, its dinner time and alby is off to go see Jacob, see if he's calmed down enough to be left out.

I sit at the table with Chuck, Minho, newt and Thomas.

"How's the bird doing Chuck?" I ask, looking over at the small boy.

"Better, he's almost ready to be flying again" he beams back to me.

"That's good, I'm glad" I say.

"So what's happening between you and Gally" Minho winks at me, scoffing down his food.

"Umm.. I don't know.. I like him I guess.." I admit, instantly regretting what I said.

"You like him? Oh my.. that's exciting, I'm happy wait? Gally? Huh?" Chuck says to me, sounding confused at the end.

"Yes, gally" I laugh, noticing him walking through the door at that same moment. "Hey guys, I'll talk a little later ok?" I tell them, walking over to meet Gally.

"Hey Gally!" I smile, hurrying over to him. "Someone's eager this evening, you doing alright?" He asks, taking his food off frypan and thanking him before sitting down at the first table.

I sit next to him, I had already finished my food so I stayed with him until he finished his.

"How's the jumper treating you, warm enough?" Gally prods, taking a sip from his water.

"Very warm" I blush, it was folded on the pillow of my bed so I could wear it to sleep, it was oversized and smelt exactly like Gally.

"Hey y/n, what's this?" Minho comes over with a book in his hands.. I knew exactly what it was.. my diary.

"Minho dont" I warn him, jumping up from my seat. He takes it as a sign to start reading:

"Dear diary,
I can't help how I'm feeling, I've only been here a few days and I already-"

I cut him off by starting chase him around the kitchen, "Minho stop it!, give that back!" I beg him, feeling so embarrassed. Why the fuck did I listen to newt about writing down my feelings, I knew something like this would happen.

Minho continues reading:

"I really like him already, he's so misunderstood by the others, I wish there was more I could do to make him understand why I genuinely care about him" Minho starts to laugh, "we all know who this is about dont we" he runs around the other side of the table.

"Minho stop messing about, give her the diary back" newt sighs, getting up to grab it, only for Minho to move the book out of grasp.

"Minho please!!" I beg, chasing him yet again, he runs out of the homestead and I chase him out.

He throws the book over to me and I catch it, "you're such a prick" I punch him in the arm, feeling too embarrassed to walk back into the homestead.

I just sigh, holding the book close to my chest, deciding to hide it in a better place in the room, somewhere that no one would find it.

Maybe I should avoid Gally on the way.. I can't stand it being awkward...

Hey everyone! I'm sorry the last two chapters have been shit, they'll get better I promise! It's just difficult thinking of ideas to make them different from the others, but I hope you enjoy ❤️

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