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The next morning I wake up not realising how quickly I had fallen asleep yesterday, all I remember is going straight to bed, my thoughts consuming me. I must've fallen asleep with unwanted thinking, at least there wasn't any awkward convo between me and Gally.

I look over the bed to see Gally still peacefully sleeping, maybe he overslept this morning? Or maybe he doesn't have work today. I get up quietly, tiptoeing over Gally, only to trip over his pyjama trousers he gave me and falling straight on top of him.

He screams, jumping up in a fright. He looked angry but terrified at the same time, "I'm so sorry, it was an accident, I swear" I put my hands up in defence, surrendering in a way.

"Shucks y/n you scared me" he sighs, checking the time.

"What's going on? I heard screaming" newt runs to the bedroom door, seeing the whole thing and immediately turning red. "Sorry.. did I interrupt something" he laughs nervously.

I scramble up to my feet, letting Gally get up and brush himself off. "Need anything else shank?" Gally asks him, starting to get agitated.

"No, just making sure y/n is ok, like I said, I heard screaming" he moves his gaze to the ground, avoiding us both.

"I'll just leave you too it.." he smiles, walking away.

I look at Gally, feeling quite awkward. "Get ready, you still got to work" He tells me, walking out the room and making his way to the bathroom.

I quickly get changed, grabbing my shoes and tying my laces before walking down to get ready. I decided to skip breakfast, I wasn't hungry and just wanted to get on with my day.

"Hey shank, ready to get working", Minho jogs around me in a circle, getting ready to go out into the maze. "Yeah, I think a medjack is the one for me" I smile, my neck following his jogs, starting to hurt.

"Oh, theres Thomas, see you later y/n" Minho winks at me, running after Thomas by the entrance of the maze.

Damn boy and his winking, what is with him. "Y/n! I've got something to show you" Chuck comes running towards me, a smile on his face.

"What is it Chuck?" I laugh, meeting him halfway. He opens up his hands to reveal a little bird, it looked like it had a broken wing.

"Where'd you find it Chuck?" I ask, examining the bird. "Near the deadheads, well newt found it, told me to come find you" he beams, watching as I take the bird out of his hands.

"Can you help him?" Chuck asks, looking up at me with hope in his eyes. How am I supposed to fix a bird with a broken wing?.

"I can try?" I smile, walking over to the medjack hut with the bird in my hands, Chuck following behind.

I place the bird down, ignoring the confused faces of Clint and Jeff. "Umm.. y/n? What are you doing" Jeff laughs, looking at me take out some bandages for the birds wing.

I slightly nod my head at Chuck, signalling for them to shush while I work to see what I can do.

15 minutes later and the birds wing is all bandaged up, "you need to look after him for a couple of days Chuck, bring him back to me in a few days" I smiled, giving the bird back.

"Thank you y/n! I knew you could do it" Chuck smiles at me, walking out carefully with the bird in his hands.

"Helping a bird?" Clint laughs, patting my shoulder as he walked past.

"I couldn't say no, he seemed so hopeful" I laughed.

"Well get to work, a long day ahead today" Jeff tells me.
Mid afternoon was when it happened, screams and yells erupt from the gladers outside. I look at both Jeff and Clint, confused looks on all our faces.

I jump to my feet, running outside too see a crowd gathering round another 2 gladers. I rush over immediately, seeing Gally and another boy fighting eachother. Gally was throwing punches as the boy lands onto the floor, both screaming at eachother.

"Say it again, I shucking dare you" Gally screams, grabbing the boy by the neck. Minho and Thomas rush over to try break it up, but Gally was having none of it.

"I said, if I got a chance, I'd get my hands all over that tight little body" the boy spits, it was clear he was talking about me.

A sickening feeling rushes over me, but I push through it and try to break it up.

"That's enough, both of you" alby yells angrily, storming over and dragging Gally off that other boy and holding him still.

Thomas and Minho had hold of the other boy while everyone was calming down.

"What the shuck is going on shanks?" Alby demands for answers, blood trickled down gally's nose while the other boy had 2 black eyes.

"Him! That's what's wrong, talking about how he's going to get his hands all over y/n" Gally spits, looking angrier than ever.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like you're a little jealous" Minho winks at Gally which only makes him angrier.

"Shut it shank" he yells.

"Pssst.. y/n, you ok?" Newt whispers over to me, I look at him, nodding my head slowly before deciding to help out.

"Right Gally you go to the hut to get checked out, Liam you stay with Minho and Thomas" alby orders, Liam? Was that who it was.

"Make anymore comments about y/n though and we'll end up in a fight" Minho warns him.

I walk Gally over to the medjack hut, making him sit down so I could clean his nose.

"Are you ok?" I ask, dabbing carefully over his nose. "I'm fine" he mutters, not looking at me.

"Bet you're going to get thrown into the pit now though" I laugh, trying to lighten up the mood.

"It was worth it" he tells me, now looking right at me. I clear my throat, "so, why did you do it? I mean.. if you're not jealous" I say, curious to see what he would come up with.

"He just deserved it, his voice was getting on my nerves I guess, had nothing to do with you" he shrugs his shoulders, getting up and completely avoiding me.

The door swings open, it's alby. "Gally, you're in the pit for the night, liams punishment is tomorrow, go now or you'll go without dinner" he demands, walking Gally out the door.

What is going on with him lately?

Gally's girl| gally x fem reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن