"Always and forever"

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A/n this chapter is fairly morbid, so skip if you don't want too hear about anything sad or gory x

"Y/n get up come on!!"

My eyes fluster open, I can hardly see and it's groggy.. what was the time?

Gally continued to shake me until I was up fully, I get up gently, my ears ringing violently.

That's when I heard it...

The bloodcurdling screams coming from the glade, the ear piercing screeches from mechanical creatures invading our home.

I knew what was happening.. newt had told me about what haunts the maze at night.. only now they're haunting our home.

I jump up quickly, throwing on a jumper as Gally helps me out the treehouse and back into the woods.

"Come on Gally we've got to hurry" I cry, rushing over until we were in the deadheads, only stopping when Gally pulled me to the ground.

He covers my mouth and whispers for me to shush, in front of us not too far was a griever, it's eyes flashing blinks of red light whenever it moved, almost like it was man made.

I let out a small whimper as it begins to get closer. Gally shifts back a bit, taking me with him before the griever stops and goes back into the glade.

I couldn't help but worry about my friends.. these people I call family? My home.

What about Chuck? He's like my little brother.. is he safe? And Thomas? What about newt and Minho. My mind was filled with unwanted thoughts and questions eager to be answered.

There was nothing we could do to help, if we rushed in guns blazing then we would both get killed and that wouldn't solve anything or help anyone.

We just lay here for what seems like hours... only rising when the sun hits the walls in the glade, reflecting onto the houses.

Gally helps me to my feet, holding my hand as we entered back into the glade.

It was ruined..

Everything was destroyed and trampled on.

Masses of bodies lay lifeless on the ground, the once green grass splattered with blotches of red.

And to think that red was my favourite colour.

I look around in a panic frantically, searching for Chuck..Minho.. Thomas? Just anyone I cared about. No one was in sight.. the only people stood in plain sight was me and Gally, both horrified at what we had seen.

"Y/n.. y/n is that you?" A young voice calls out from the distance. I search for the voice, following where I thought it had came from.

"Y/n don't go" Gally begs me, grabbing my arm and dragging me back.

I yank my arm out of his grip, there's no way I'm leaving when someone is calling me for help. I walk behind the homestead.. my eyes widen at the sight.

It couldn't be...

Please tell me it's not him.

Chuck laid there silently, gasping for breath every few seconds as gashes and bruises were engraved into his body.

I drop to my knees, crawling towards him in a hurry.

How do I save him?

What do I do?

I panic as he kept bleeding profusely, "THOMAS!! GALLY!! ANYONE" I cry out, my screams echoing throughout the glade.

The loud thumps of multiple footsteps trudge their way towards me. I turn to see Minho, Thomas, gally and newt all behind me, staring at the horror in front of them.

"No.. no no no please" Thomas whimpers, taking off his shirt and pressing down on chucks wounds.

"I-it's.. it's ok" Chuck stutters, a smile forming on his discoloured face, he seemed so peaceful, almost like he was hiding how much it really hurt.

I grab his hand and hold it while tears stroll down my cheeks one after another. Gally crouches next to me, one hand on my knee and the other on chucks shoulder, giving us both comfort.

I look at Chuck with sadness, he takes something out of my pocket and places it in my hand, closing it gently.

It was a wooden carving, it was me? And chuck, holding hands with the words "siblings by chance" carved on the bottom. I smile weakly and Chuck squeezes my hand.

"I love you, I promise you I will kill them.. all of them, you'll be ok.. I love you" my words come out rather quickly as I can feel chucks grasp on my hand loosen massively.

"Thank you Tommy.. thank you everyone, I love you y/n" he manages to form a sentence, switching his gaze between us all.

"Always and forever" Chuck looks at me with one last smile before his eyes close gently, his hand lets go of mine and he's no longer in pain.

My heart was broke, I felt as though everything had been ripped out of my body and there was nothing I could do.

I could only cry and think of the memories.

I place his hand onto his chest before getting up.

"Always and forever" I smile

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