Pit ✨

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I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying to get some sleep. It was useless, I was no where near tired, and I couldn't stop thinking about Gally for some reason.. the way he stuck up for me? Although he'll probably never admit it.

I lean up on the bed, running my hands through my hair and sighing before deciding to get up. I grab one of gally's hoodies, carrying it with me as I tied my shoe laces. I open the bedroom door, carefully tiptoeing down the stairs so I don't wake anyone up.

I walk out the homestead door and into the brightly lit glade, alby kept it lit at night, just incase anyone needed to use the outside bathroom. I keep gally's hoodie close to me, walking over to the pit. The leaves crunch underneath my weight, making a lot of noise as they do so.

As I reach the pit I crouch down to get a proper look, gally was fast asleep, huddled into a little ball to keep himself warm. I didn't even check the time before I left, but looking at gally's watch it's about 2am..or somewhere around there.

I fold the jumper up neatly, slipping it through the bars and throwing it next to gally. I didn't want too wake him, but I didn't want him to be to cold either. Maybe he'd wake up before light and feel cold, maybe he'd use it as a pillow?.

As I got up to leave, I felt someone grab my arm. "What are you doing here?" It was Gally, he sounded very groggy and tired.

"I couldn't sleep.. thought you might be cold out here.. so I brought you a jumper" I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself. I watch as Gally bends down and picks up the jumper, handing it back to me through the bars.

"No I brought it for you" I laugh nervously, still shivering at the cold. "Seriously y/n wear it, it's freezing out and I don't want you too be cold" he pressures me.

I slip it over my head, putting my hands into my pocket to keep them warm too. "Were you being serious about before?" I ask, avoiding his gaze.

"About what?"

"About that fight having nothing to do with me?" I say, now looking up to meet his eyes.

"No" he sighs, "I wasn't, I just didn't want you too get involved, or feel sorry for me".

"I care for you, so of course I feel sorry, I worry about you" I explain to him, a smile flickering on my face.

"You seriously care about me?" He asks, sounding confused.

"Yes? Why would you think I don't?"

"I don't know, just.. no one actually likes me, I'm 'problematic'" he uses his fingers to 'quote-unquote.

"Well, I don't think that" I assure him, reaching my hand it to reach his.

He smiles, is that an actual smile on his face? I can't believe it.

He shakes his head, the smile dropping from his face, "you should get to bed, it's late and you need sleep, I'll come see you in the morning" he tells me, going back to the floor in the pit.

"Goodnight Gally" I smile, getting up to walk off.

"Goodnight y/n, sleep well, and keep the jumper!" He calls after me.

A smile flickers on my face as I walk away..

We were finally getting somewhere.
The next morning I woke bright and early, I wanted to get down to the pit before breakfast so me and Gally could speak.

I jump out of bed, putting on some shorts along with a long sleeved t shirt. I brush my hair thoroughly, putting it up into a high ponytail before walking out to brush my teeth.

I walk into the bathroom, rinsing my brush and putting the paste on. "What you doing up bright and early" i snap my head round to see Minho leaning on the frame of the door.

"Nothing.. just getting in some early days" I flash a smile and continue to brush my teeth.
"You're up to see gallyyyy" Minho sings to me, winking as I turn to face him. "No, what- I- why would you think that?" I chuckle nervously, avoiding his gaze.

"Because, you hate early mornings greenie, you told me yourself" he sighs, walking behind me and making me feel uneasy.

"Oh shut it shank" I say sarcastically, immediately realising what I had just said.

"Did you just call me shank?" He laughs, stepping back from behind me and leaning on the door frame again.

"Sorry, didn't mean tooooo" I sing, skipping past him in my happy mood and exiting the homestead.

I make my way down to the pit, gally was awake and standing by the bars, waiting to be let out.

"Morning" i chirp, sitting down next to him. "Morning y/n, up early to see me?" He smiles, looking up at me and making me blush.

"Shut it, I just wanted too make sure you're ok" I laugh, watching as alby starts to come over. I get on too my feet, "what's wrong y/n" Gally asks, seeing as I walk away.

"Go get some breakfast, I'll let Gally out and he'll be with you shortly" alby smiles at me, walking over to gally.

I decide to get breakfast, bumping into Thomas on the way.

"I heard about you getting up early to see Gally" he laughs, walking with me too the homestead again.

"Yeah yeah, who doesn't know by now"

Gally's girl| gally x fem reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें