Medjack y/n

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I didn't really sleep much during the night, gally on the other hand slept flawlessly, even snored a few times too.

I got up bright and early, before everyone else so I could reach the maze doors just as they open.

I stand by the entrance, the ground rumbling beneath me as the ancient doors begin to groan. The shudder a little before slamming open completely, giving me clear view of the inside.

I scrunch my eyes tightly, terrified of what I'll see. A small chubby hand grasps mine, making me open my eyes to look. It was Chuck.

"They're coming, I just know they are" he assures me, turning to face the doors as I do the same.

I hope he was right, I hope they would come back.. god I could use some advice from my best friend minho right now.

A few minutes go by and still no sign of anyone, we wait a little longer before starting to lose hope. I sigh heavily, losing hope completely and beginning to walk back to the homestead.

"WAIT LOOK!!" Chuck practically screams at me, dragging me back to the doors to see what he was looking at.

It was them..

Minho, Thomas both dragging alby towards the entrance. They had made it.. they had seriously made it.

"MEDJACKS!!" I shout, running over to help the boys as they collapse into the glade. Clint and Jeff take alby to the hut, hed been stung and needed medical assistance.

I stayed with Minho n Thomas, both passed out on the ground. It was just me.. I had to figure out how to help them.

"Chuck, go get Gally for me, tell him it's urgent" I say, watching as Chuck runs as fast as his little tubby legs would carry him.

I check minhos pulse, it was there but faint, he seemed dehydrated.. they both did. 5 minutes pass and Gally comes crashing by my side.

"You needed me?" He asks, looking flustered.

"Go over there and check Thomas' pulse for me" I tell him, pointing over to an unconscious Thomas laying on the ground.

"Can't you do it? Me and him don't really see eye to eye" he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly while waiting for an answer.

"Goddamn it gally!! Just go make sure he's alive" I yell. He gets the hint and rushes over to Thomas' side, I wait to see if he had found a pulse.

"It's there, I can feel it but it's faint" he nods at me.

"Right, newt you help me carry Minho to the hut, you think you can carry Thomas Gally?" I look over to him to receive a small nod in response.

I hoist minhos arm around my shoulder and newt does the same, I had really learnt a lot about medical stuff from Clint and Jeff and I knew what I had to do. I had asked for extra medical supplies, once I got going, more things began to come to me, more equipment and what I needed to do. It's like this job was made for me.

"BOYS!!" I shout over to a few gladers ahead of me.

"Go to Clint and Jeff and ask them to set up to bed with IV drips! Do it now" I shout, watching as they run into the hut to tell the boys.

"It's scary when you shout" newt shys away from me, a smile forms on my face.

"Seems like I can only get things done when I shout" I laugh, turning my head back to gally who was holding Thomas in bridal style.

Chuck opens the medhut door open while we clamber inside, me and newt set Minho down on the bed while Gally sets down Thomas.

I get started on work straight away. "What happened?" Clint comes to my side, passing me the needle to the IV drip while I find a vein in minhos arm.

"They're dehydrated, we need to get fluids in their body now, could you go set up thomas' please" I ask, not moving my focus from Minho.

"Sure" Clint says, rushing over to Thomas to help him. I find a vein, placing the IV drip in and sighing heavily.

I get up, brushing my clothes off and running my hand through my hair. Both boys were sleeping peacefully, colour slowly returning to their faces.

"Thank god you were there y/n, we wouldn't have been able to do it all without you" Jeff pats my shoulder while walking past.

I smile at him in return. "Yeah, good thing we've got you" Clint laughs, leaving the hut for some fresh air.

"Go get some lunch, we've got this" Jeff assures me as Gally grabs my hand, leading me out the hut and towards the homestead.

"Think they'll be ok?" I ask, feeling worried for them. "You're their medjack, they couldn't have anyone better" he smiles, leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek, causing me to blush at his touch.

I was falling for him.. really falling for him and it wasn't just about the sex anymore.

He cares for me.. genuinely cares for me and the more I think about it, the more I think that last night wasn't a distraction.. It's because I loved him.

Shit.. I really fucking loved him.

A/n SORRYYY FOR THE LATE CHAPTERS GUYS!! I've been doing exams atm and I'm really stressed, the chapters are going to become a little longer as this story is going to be shorter due to gally not being in the middle film ah, but after this comes the Minho story;) so stay tuned! Xx

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